Walkthrough: hospedando um controle Formulários do Windows em um aplicativo WPF
This walkthrough shows you how to use the WPF Designer for Visual Studio to host a Windows Forms control in a WPF application. For more information about Windows Forms and WPF interoperability, see Migração e Interoperabilidade.
Tasks explained in this walkthrough include:
Creating the project.
Hosting the Windows Forms control in a WPF application.
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You need the following components to complete this walkthrough:
- Visual Studio 2010.
Creating the Project
The first step is to create the project for the host application.
To create the project
Crie um aplicativo WPF projeto chamado "demoapplication". For more information, see Como: Criar um novo projeto de aplicativo WPF.
MainWindow. XAML é aberto no WPF Designer.
In Solution Explorer, add a reference to the WindowsFormsIntegration assembly, which is named WindowsFormsIntegration.dll.
Em Solution Explorer, adicione uma referência aoassemblyde Windows Forms, que é chamada de dll.
Hosting the Windows Forms Control in WPF
You use the WindowsFormsHost element to host a Windows Forms control in a WPF application.
To host the Windows Forms Control in WPF
No XAML exibir de MainWindow. XAML, importar onamespace do Windows Formsinserindo o namespaceseguintemapeamento na abertura Window marca. For more information, see Como: Importar um namespace em XAML.
Após a Grid a abertura de marca, insira o código a seguir.
<WindowsFormsHost> <wf:MaskedTextBox Mask="00/00/0000" /> </WindowsFormsHost>
A region representing the hosted Windows Forms control (MaskedTextBox) appears in the designer.
Próximas etapas
You can also host WPF controls in Windows Forms. For more information, see Usando os controles do WPF.
Consulte também
Walkthrough: hospedando um controle de usuário Formulários do Windows usando o Criador WPF
Demonstra Passo a passo: Hospedando um controle Windows Forms no WPF