A edição do modelo de arquitetura
Your design-time implementation interacts with run-time controls though a programming interface called the editing model. The objects being designed are called editable objects. This topic describes the architecture and usage of the editing model in the WPF Designer for Visual Studio.
Your controls are defined in Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML). You update the XAML for your controls programmatically by using the editing model.
Model, Wrapper, and View
O modelo de edição consiste em três as subunidades de funcionais: um modelo, um wrapper pública que abstrai o modelo e um modo de exibição que representa o usuário interface (UI) do modelo. The model and the view are separate, but the wrapper and model are closely related. The following illustration shows the relationship among the three subunits.
The design environment uses the ModelItem type to communicate with the underlying model. All changes are made to the ModelItem wrappers, which affect the underlying model. This allows the model to be simple. The ModelItem wrappers handle complex designer features, such as transaction support, undo tracking, and change notifications.
Instance Creation
Any designer feature which requires creating new objects on the design surface uses the ModelFactory class. Each object in the designer is wrapped with a ModelItem instance. Model items are created by a ModelFactory.
The following code shows a typical ModelFactory call.
ModelItem newButton = ModelFactory.CreateItem(_context, typeof(Button));
The CreateItem method always returns a data type of ModelItem. This is the base type for all items in the WPF Designer editing model, and it represents a wrapped instance of the type passed to the CreateItem method. The CreateItem method also requires an instance of a WPF Designer editing context (_context in the previous code sample), which is used to locate other services and dependencies in the designer.
A criação explícita de item por meio de fábrica é importante para os objetos a serem colocados na superfície de design que têm inicializadores de padrão. This procedure is not necessary when you are simply setting properties to values.
Sempre use o CreateItem método para criar novos objetos na superfície de design. Isso ocorre porque muitas instâncias de raw não podem ser analisadas em itens de modelo. Quando um valor é definido no modelo, você só deve interagir com ele por meio do modelo. A instância, fazendo o modelo pode ser reconstruída pela estrutura a qualquer momento, o que invalida quaisquer referências que você tiver armazenado.
Creation Options
You will sometimes need to customize the creation behavior of your objects. For example, a database connection component may choose not to query the database at design time. You may want to have control over instance creation The first time a component is created.
In this case, a component is dragged from the Toolbox or pasted from the clipboard. You may want to pre-configure the component with usable defaults. These defaults, if unchanged, are serialized into the XAML.
You can pass an optional set of flags to the CreateItem method by using the CreateOptions enumeration.
The InitializeDefaults flag is used by tools such as the creation tool to initialize a set of preconfigured property values. For example, a ContentControl may provide some default content. This does not take the place of correctly specifying default values of properties in the runtime control code.
Values set with this flag persist into the XAML.
This flag should not be used by parsing code, as the defaults may have been removed by the user during editing of the object in the designer.
The CreateItem method routes the call to CreateItem. This method performs several steps, outlined in the following flowchart.
Changing the Parent of an Item to a New Container
In addition to creating new items, another common designer task is to change the parent of one item to another. This is handled through a static class named ModelParent, which provides features common to most parenting requirements.
Locating a valid parent object, given a coordinate offset or starting item in the hierarchy to search.
Determining if a given object can be a parent of a particular type.
Changing the parent of one object to another. This change also removes the old parent from the object. This removal allows the old parent the opportunity to clean up any data, for example, attached properties, which may reside on the item .
The ModelParent class works by locating a ParentAdapter class for current and proposed parent objects. If no ParentAdapter class exists, an object cannot be assigned to a parent. The ParentAdapter class defines several overrides for common cases. For example, many overrides accept a GestureData object as a parameter. This data type is available from the WPF Designer command mechanism when code is handling a user command. It provides common contextual information.
The ParentAdapter allows containers to perform smart parent removal. For example, if an object with a Canvas control parent is being changed to a Grid control parent, the Canvas control's attached properties on the object can be removed automatically.
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