Caixa de diálogo de Configuração da Nova Solução
Use the New Solution Configuration dialog box to create a new solution build configuration.
Acessar essa caixa de diálogo da Configuration Manager caixa de diálogo selecionando < New... > da Active Solution Configuration na lista suspensa.
Solution configuration name
The name for the new solution configuration. Configuration names cannot contain the following characters:pound (#)
percent (%)
ampersand (&)
asterisk (*)
vertical bar (|)
backslash (\)
colon (:)
double quotation mark (")
less than (<)
greater than (>)
period (.)
question mark (?)
forward slash (/)
leading or trailing spaces (' ')
names reserved for Windows or DOS
(nul, aux, con, com1, lpt1, and so on)
Copy settings from
Lists existing configurations for the current solution. If you choose (Default), the default settings are used.Also create new project configuration(s)
When selected, directs the integrated development environment (IDE) to find existing project configurations that include this solution configuration name, or to create new ones. As needed, the IDE might also revise the name of an existing project configuration to include a specified platform name. For more information, see Criar configurações.
Consulte também
Caixa de diálogo para Edição de Configuração de Solução
Caixa de Diálogo Configuration Manager
Caixa de Diálogo New Project Configuration
Editar a caixa de diálogo Project Configurations