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Um erro inesperado ocorreu porque um recurso do sistema operacional requerido para uma inicialização de instância simples não pôde ser encontrado.

O aplicativo não consegui encontrar um recurso necessário ao sistema operacional.Some of the possible causes for this problem are:

  • The application does not have permissions to create named operating-system objects.

  • The common language runtime does not have permissions to create memory-mapped files.

  • The application needs to access an operating-system object, but another process is using it.

Para corrigir este erro

  1. Check that the application has sufficient permissions to create named operating-system objects.

  2. Check that the common language runtime has sufficient permissions to create memory-mapped files.

  3. Restart the computer to clear any process that may be using the resource needed to connect to the original instance application.

  4. Note the circumstances under which the error occurred, and call Microsoft Product Support Services

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