Como: Expor um suplemento em um menu de atalho
While the Visual Studio automation model makes it easy to place add-in commands on top-level menus, such as on the Tools menu, you can also add commands to shortcut menus and submenus.
Equivalente de modelo de projetoYou must then call the Visual Studio AddControl method.
CharacterSetVisual Studio
CommandArgumentsYou could find it by searching through the Keyboard node in the Options dialog box on the Tools menu.DebuggerTypeThis add-in sample is named "Command Browse Add-in" and it is located on the Visual Studio Automation Samples site.(To access the add-in, unpack the project, build it, run the accompanying AddinReg.reg file, and then click the Command Browser command on the Tools menu.)
The following procedure demonstrates how to add an add-in command to the Task List's shortcut menu.
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As caixas de diálogo e comandos de menu demonstradas podem ser diferentes daqueles descritas na Ajuda, dependendo das configurações ativas ou configurações de edição.Esses procedimentos foram desenvolvidos com o Geral Development Settings ativo.Para alterar as configurações, escolher Import and ExportSettings on the Tools menu.Para obter mais informações, consulte Configurações do Visual Studio. |
No menu File, aponte para New, e em seguida, clique em Project.
In the New Project dialog box, expand Other Project Types, click Extensibility, and then click Visual Studio Add-in in the Templates pane.
Name the add-in ContextCmd and click OK to start the Visual Studio Add-in Wizard.
Select the option to create a user interface (UI) for the add-in by checking the Would you like to create a command bar UI for your add-in? box.
RemotoOnConnectionIt also adds the Exec method, which handles the event when someone clicks the add-in command, and the QueryStatus method, which provides information on the status of the add-in.
Substitua o código com o seguinte:
Imports System Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars Imports Extensibility Imports EnvDTE Imports EnvDTE80 Public Class Connect Implements IDTExtensibility2 Implements IDTCommandTarget Dim _applicationObject As DTE2 Dim _addInInstance As AddIn Dim cmdBarCtl As CommandBarControl Public Sub New() End Sub Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, ByVal _ connectMode As ext_ConnectMode, ByVal addInInst As Object, _ ByRef custom As Array) Implements _ IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection Dim cmd As Command Dim cmdBar As CommandBar _applicationObject = CType(application, DTE2) _addInInstance = CType(addInInst, AddIn) Try If CType(ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_AfterStartup Or _ ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_Startup, Boolean) Then ' If the command does not exist, add it. If cmd Is Nothing Then cmd = _applicationObject.Commands. _ AddNamedCommand(_addInInstance, _ "newCmd", "newCmd", "Runs the add-in.", _ True, 59, Nothing, _ vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported _ Or vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled) End If ' Reference the Task List shortcut menu. cmdBar = CType(_applicationObject. _ CommandBars.Item("Task List"), _ Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars.CommandBar) ' Add a command to the Task List's shortcut menu. cmdBarCtl = CType(cmd.AddControl(cmdBar, _ cmdBar.Controls.Count + 1), _ Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommandBars. _ CommandBarControl) cmdBarCtl.Caption = "A New Command" End If Catch e As System.Exception System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.ToString) End Try End Sub Public Sub OnDisconnection(ByVal disconnectMode As _ ext_DisconnectMode, ByRef custom As Array) Implements _ IDTExtensibility2.OnDisconnection Try ' Delete the command bar control from the ' shortcut menu. If Not (cmdBarCtl Is Nothing) Then cmdBarCtl.Delete() End If Catch e As System.Exception System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.ToString) End Try End Sub Public Sub OnAddInsUpdate(ByRef custom As Array) Implements _ IDTExtensibility2.OnAddInsUpdate End Sub Public Sub OnStartupComplete(ByRef custom As Array) Implements _ IDTExtensibility2.OnStartupComplete End Sub Public Sub OnBeginShutdown(ByRef custom As Array) Implements _ IDTExtensibility2.OnBeginShutdown End Sub Public Sub QueryStatus(ByVal commandName As String, ByVal _ neededText As vsCommandStatusTextWanted, ByRef status As _ vsCommandStatus, ByRef commandText As Object) Implements _ IDTCommandTarget.QueryStatus If commandName = "ContextCmd.Connect.newCmd" Then status = CType(vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusEnabled _ + vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported, _ vsCommandStatus) Else status = vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusUnsupported End If End Sub Public Sub Exec(ByVal commandName As String, ByVal _ executeOption As vsCommandExecOption, ByRef varIn As _ Object, ByRef varOut As Object, ByRef handled As Boolean) _ Implements IDTCommandTarget.Exec handled = False If executeOption = vsCommandExecOption. _ vsCommandExecOptionDoDefault Then If commandName = "ContextCmd.Connect.newCmd" Then handled = True System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Add-in _ running...") End If End If End Sub End Class
Display the Task List by clicking Task List on the View menu.
Sobre o Ferramentas menu, clicar Gerenciador de suplemento.
Activate the ContextCmd add-in by checking the box next to it in the Add-In Manager.
Right-click the Task List.
The ContextCmd add-in command appears on the shortcut menu.
Consulte também
Como: Add-ins de controle com o Gerenciador de suplemento
Demonstra Passo a passo: Criando um assistente
Exibindo suplementos em barras de ferramentas e menus
Gráfico do modelo de objetos de automação
O Visual Studio comandos e opções