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Layout Options Dialog Box

The Layout Options dialog box is part of the Web Publishing wizard. This dialog box makes it possible for you to modify the default values of the selected data layout. You can save any changes you make as a new data layout and style specification by using the Save Settings button in the Advanced dialog box.

To access the Layout Options dialog box

  1. From Tools menu, choose Wizards, and then click Web Publishing.
  2. Navigate through the wizard until you reach Step 3.
  3. Click Options.
  • Border
    This tab makes it possible for you to select the background and border colors and border width. You also can specify a .gif or .jpg file as a background image.

    • **Border color   **Specify the border color.
    • **Background color   **Specify the background color for graphics and text.
    • **Background image   **Specify the name of a background .gif or .jpg image and, if necessary, its location.
    • **Border width   **Specify the thickness of the border in points.
  • Font
    This tab makes it possible for you to specify one or more HTML-defined fonts in case a user does not have a particular font. This can help provide good cross-platform browser behavior.

    You also can specify the font name and change the default font color.

    • **Font names   **Specify the font name and, if necessary, its location.
    • **Font size   **Specify the font size.
    • **Forecolor   **Specify the color of the text.
  • Other
    This tab makes it possible for you to specify the name of an HTML-defined class to use in your Web page.

    The Other tab also can provide access to properties settings that are specific to a particular layout choice.

    • **Style class   **Specify the name and location of a .css file that contains a style class to use for your Web page.
    • **First row color   **Specify from the drop-down list the color of the first rows of your Web page.
    • **Next row color   **Specify from the drop-down list the color of rows following the number of offset rows on your Web page.
    • **Row offset   **Specify the number of rows in each block of the displayed table. Each of the row colors you choose will be used in this number of alternating rows.
  • Reset Defaults
    Use this button to restore your selections to the original wizard default values.

When you click OK, the dialog box closes and returns you to Step 3 of the Web Publishing wizard.

See Also

Web Publishing Wizard | Advanced Dialog Box | HTML Item Dialog Box | Wizards Overview