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Transform an object relatively

Relative transformations in Microsoft Expression Blend enable you to transform objects relative to the current state of the object, and apply the same transformation repeatedly. For example, after you set an initial transform value (for example, a rotation angle of 15 degrees), you could animate the object by repeatedly moving the timeline playhead Cc294886.5626c9eb-40bb-450a-9ca1-3678e5abe429(en-us,Expression.10).png and clicking the Apply Relative Transform button to set a keyframe. When the animation timeline runs, Expression Blend rotates the object 15 degrees relative to the object's rotation angle at the previous keyframe.

To transform an object relatively

  1. Select the object that you want to transform, by using either the Selection Cc294886.2ff91340-477e-4efa-a0f7-af20851e4daa(en-us,Expression.10).png tool or the Direct Selection Cc294886.6dd6571f-c116-451d-8dd2-1f88b8406362(en-us,Expression.10).png tool and then clicking the object on the artboard.

  2. In the RenderTransform category under Transform in the Properties panel, click the appropriate tab (Rotate Cc294886.321b430b-5c8e-47dc-93f8-0e85ac32cca5(en-us,Expression.10).png, Scale Cc294886.7a93944e-a7f5-4607-babd-768bb5f56185(en-us,Expression.10).png, and so on) for the transform that you want to perform.


    For information about the RenderTransform and LayoutTransform transform categories, see Transformations overview.

  3. Set the desired transformation values. You can press the TAB key to move from property to property.

  4. Click the Apply Relative TransformCc294886.e5e39de8-6db5-4bf0-8dff-2650818956f3(en-us,Expression.10).png button one or more times.