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How to Verify That RPC Proxy Server Has Basic Authentication Configured


This topic helps you troubleshoot an unsuccessful RPC over HTTP connection. This article explains how to verify that the RPC proxy server is configured to use basic authentication.

If your clients are repeatedly prompted for their credentials, verify that the RPC proxy server is configured to use basic authentication. Follow steps below.


It is recommended that you use Basic authentication over Windows Integrated Authentication (NTLM) because of two reasons. First, RPC over HTTP currently supports only NTLM – it doesn’t support Kerberos. Second, if there is an HTTP Proxy or a firewall between the RPC over HTTP client and the RPC Proxy, which inserts the via pragma in the HTTP header, NTLM authentication will not work. For more information see, RPC over HTTP Deployment Recommendations.


To verify that RPC proxy virtual server is configured to use basic authentication

  1. Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. Expand computername (local computer), expand Web Sites, expand the Web site where the Rpc application is configured, right-click Rpc, and then click Properties.

  3. Click the Directory Security tab, and then click Edit under Authentication and access control.

  4. Click to clear the Enable anonymous access check box if it is selected.

  5. Click to select the Basic authentication (password is sent in clear text) check box. You receive the following message:

    The authentication option you have selected results in passwords being transmitted over the network without data encryption. Someone attempting to compromise your system security could use a protocol analyzer to examine user passwords during the authentication process. For more detail on user authentication, consult the online help. This warning does not apply to HTTPS (orSSL) connections.

    Are you sure you want to continue?


    In this message, the word "HTTPS (orSSL)" is a misspelling for the words "HTTPS (or SSL)."

    Click Yes.

  6. Click OK two times.

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