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How to Install Active Directory Connector


Active Directory Connector (ADC) is used to connect your Exchange 5.5 directory to Active Directory.

Before You Begin

  • To install the Exchange 2003 version of ADC, you must have at least one server in each Exchange site running Exchange 5.5 SP3.

  • The account you use to install ADC must be a member of the Enterprise Administrator, Schema Administrator, and Domain Administrator groups. The account must also be a Local Machine Administrator on the local machine.


To install Active Directory Connector

  1. Insert the Exchange CD into your CD-ROM drive. You can install ADC on any computer in the Windows domain.

  2. On the Start menu, click Run, and then type E:\adc\i386\setup, where E is your CD-ROM drive.

  3. On the Welcome to the Active Directory Connector Installation Wizard page, click Next.

  4. On the Component Selection page, select the Microsoft Active Directory Connector Service and the Microsoft Active Directory Connector Management components, and then click Next.

  5. On the Install Location page, verify the folder location, and then click Next.

  6. On the Service Account page, in the Account box, browse to the user or group that the ADC service will run as, and then click Next.


    The service account or group you chose must have Local Administrator and built-in Domain Administrator permissions. The account or group that you designate as the ADC service account will have full control of the Exchange organization. Therefore, you should ensure that it is a secure account or group.

  7. On the Microsoft Active Directory Connector Setup page, click Finish.

For More Information

For information about running ADC Tools, seeHow to Run Active Directory Connector (ADC) Tools.