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Working with Stored Virtual Machines

Aplica-se a: Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 SP1

When you store a virtual machine in the library, the configuration files for the virtual machine and its virtual hard disks are not added to the library because they are not available for use in other virtual machines and templates. Instead, the virtual machine appears as an object in the Virtual Machines and Templates node for the library server on which the files are stored.

To view all virtual machines that are stored in the library, click the Library Servers node at the top of the navigation pane.

Actions Available for Stored Virtual Machines

The following table describes the actions that can be performed on a stored virtual machine.

Action Description


Deploys a virtual machine on a host. For more information, see How to Deploy a Virtual Machine.


Repair a virtual machine by returning it to its state before the last action was performed on it or by retrying the action. If you resolve an issue such as a missing file outside Virtual Machine Manager, you can choose to ignore the virtual machine’s current status and let the next periodic refresh update the status. For more information, see How to Repair a Virtual Machine (


Temporarily make a virtual machine unavailable. While a virtual machine is disabled, it cannot be deployed, repaired, or used as the source for another virtual machine. However, you can update the virtual machine’s properties. For more information, see How to Temporarily Disable Library Resources.


Remove a virtual machine and delete its files from the library server. For more information, see How to Remove a Virtual Machine (


Modify a virtual machine’s owner, cost center, tag, hardware configuration, custom properties, self-service quota, Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) participation, or automatic start and stop actions. You cannot create and manage checkpoints while a virtual machine is stored. For more information, see Modifying Virtual Machines (


If a stored Hyper-V virtual machine has saved state or checkpoints, you cannot update its hardware configuration.

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