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Enabling PRO in VMM

Aplica-se a: Virtual Machine Manager 2008, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2, Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 SP1

Use the procedures in this topic to enable Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) in Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2008 or System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2. After you enable PRO, you will begin receiving PRO tips in the PRO Tips window of the VMM Administrator Console. Each PRO tip can recommend or automatically implement actions such as virtual machine migration or virtual machine right-sizing based on policies implemented through Operations Manager 2007. For more information, see About PRO (


Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007, VMM 2008 R2 requires either Operations Manager 2007 SP1 or Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2. Para obter mais informações sobre o Operations Manager 2007, consulte a página da Web do Operations Manager 2007 ( Para obter mais informações sobre o Operations Manager 2007, consulte

In VMM 2008 R2, the System Center Operations Manager 2008 R2 Management Pack replaces the System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 Management Pack. In this topic, references that apply to both management pack releases refer to “the VMM management pack.”

Your PRO configuration can include any or all of the following tasks:

  • Enable PRO for an individual host group

  • Enable PRO for an individual host cluster

  • Configure VMM PRO settings for environment-wide monitors

  • Remove a virtual machine from PRO host-level actions

Antes de começar

Configure Operations Manager integration with VMM. Para obter mais informações sobre o Operations Manager 2007, consulte (a página pode estar em inglês). PRO settings in VMM are not available until Operations Manager has been integrated with VMM.

Use the next two procedures to enable PRO for a host group or a host cluster. Enabling PRO for your host groups and host clusters is a prerequisite for receiving the PRO tips for hosts and virtual machines that are included in the VMM management pack.

Para habilitar o log de um serviço específico

  1. In Hosts view, in the navigation pane, select the host cluster node.

  2. No painel Ações, clique em Abrir.

  3. Na caixa de diálogo Propriedades do Programa, clique na guia MOM.

  4. To use the PRO settings for the host cluster’s parent host group, select the Inherit PRO settings from parent host group check box. If you choose not to use the parent host group’s PRO settings, complete the remaining steps to determine which PRO tips are received and which are automatically implemented for the cluster.

  5. Selecione a caixa de seleção Habilitar HTTP.

  6. To determine which PRO tips will be received for this cluster, select the severity level: Somente Crítica.

    You can have VMM automatically implement PRO tips—for example, VMM might automatically migrate a virtual machine to a different cluster node when either host performance or virtual machine performance falls below a certain threshold—or you can choose to implement the PRO tips manually from the PRO Tips window. Some PRO tips require manual intervention.

  7. If you want to automatically implement PRO tips for the cluster:

    1. Select the Automatically implement PRO tips on this host cluster check box.

    2. Select the severity of PRO tips that you want to automatically implement for the cluster: Somente Crítica.

    Notice that you can choose to monitor both Warning and Critical PRO tips, but choose to automatically implement only Critical PRO tips.

Para habilitar o log de um serviço específico

  1. In Hosts view, expand All Hosts in the navigation pane and then navigate to the host group that you want to modify.

  2. No painel Ações, clique em Abrir.

  3. Na caixa de diálogo Propriedades do Programa, clique na guia MOM.

  4. To use the PRO settings for the parent host group, select the Inherit PRO settings from parent host group check box. If you choose not to use the parent host group’s PRO settings, complete the remaining steps to determine which PRO tips are received and which are automatically implemented.

  5. Selecione a caixa de seleção Habilitar HTTP.

  6. To determine which PRO tips will be received for this host group, select the severity level: Somente Crítica.

    You can have VMM automatically implement PRO tips—for example, VMM might automatically migrate a virtual machine to a different cluster node when either host performance or virtual machine performance falls below a certain threshold—or you can choose to implement the PRO tips manually from the PRO Tips window. Some PRO tips require manual intervention.

  7. If you want to automatically implement PRO tips for the host group:

    1. Select the Automatically implement PRO tips on this host group check box.

    2. Select the severity of PRO tips that you want to automatically implement for the host group: Somente Crítica.

    Notice that you can choose to monitor both Warning and Critical PRO tips, but choose to automatically implement only Critical PRO tips.

The VMM PRO settings in the next procedure enable PRO for issues that might affect computers throughout your entire virtualized environment. For example, a VMM-level PRO tip might define a remediation action for an overheated blade chassis, for an issue with a distributed application (such as Microsoft Exchange) that is deployed on multiple physical computers, or for an issue with a storage array. These settings are not needed for the VMM management pack, which does not include any PRO monitors that target VMM. When you add a new PRO-enabled management pack, be sure to check whether you need to enable VMM-level PRO tips.

To configure VMM PRO settings for environment-wide monitors

  1. No painel de navegação do console de Operações do Operations Manager 2007 R2, clique em Administração.

  2. No painel Administração, clique em Configurações.

  3. To determine which PRO tips will be received, select the severity level: Somente Crítica.

  4. If you want to automatically implement this type of PRO tip:

    1. Selecione a caixa de seleção Habilitar HTTP.

    2. Select the severity of PRO tips that you want to automatically implement: Somente Crítica.

    Notice that you can choose to monitor both Warning and Critical PRO tips, but choose to automatically implement only Critical PRO tips.

If you do not want PRO to migrate a virtual machine or to implement any other PRO host-level actions for it, you can exclude the virtual machine from PRO host-level actions. You still will receive PRO tips with recommendations for right-sizing the virtual machine, based on performance and health data.

To exclude a virtual machine from PRO host-level actions

  1. Na caixa de diálogo Propriedades do Programa, clique na guia MOM.

  2. Select the Exclude virtual machine from PRO host-level actions check box.


    This option is not available for a virtual machine until Operations Manager 2007 has been integrated with VMM.

Consulte Também

Outros Recursos

Configuring Operations Manager Integration with VMM
Customizing PRO
Troubleshooting Operations Manager, PRO, and Reporting Issues in VMM