Partilhar via

Método ChangeBatchBase.AddChange

Adiciona uma alteração de item específica ao grupo que está aberto

Namespace: Microsoft.Synchronization
Assembly: Microsoft.Synchronization (em microsoft.synchronization.dll)


Public Sub AddChange ( _
    change As ItemChange _
Dim instance As ChangeBatchBase
Dim change As ItemChange

public void AddChange (
    ItemChange change
void AddChange (
    ItemChange^ change
public void AddChange (
    ItemChange change
public function AddChange (
    change : ItemChange


  • change
    Uma alteração de item a ser adicionada ao grupo que está aberto.


Tipo de exceção Condição


O lote de alterações já foi enviado a um aplicador de alterações ou a uma sessão de sincronização. As alterações não podem ser adicionadas ao lote depois de serem enviadas.


Antes de ser possível adicionar alterações de item a um objeto ChangeBatchBase, um grupo deve ser aberto chamando BeginOrderedGroup ou o método BeginUnorderedGroup do objeto ChangeBatch. Caso contrário, esse método irá gerar InvalidOperationException.


O exemplo a seguir implementa GetChangeBatch adicionando itens a um grupo ordenado em um lote de alterações. Um item só é adicionado quando sua versão de alteração não está contida no conhecimento de destino.

Public Overrides Function GetChangeBatch(ByVal batchSize As UInteger, ByVal destinationKnowledge As SyncKnowledge) As ChangeBatch
    ' The destination knowledge must be converted to be compatible with the source replica
    ' before it can be used.
    Dim mappedDestKnowledge As SyncKnowledge = _knowledge.MapRemoteKnowledgeToLocal(destinationKnowledge)

    ' Create a new change batch, initialized by using the current knowledge of the source replica
    ' and a new ForgottenKnowledge object.
    Dim changeBatch As New ChangeBatch(IdFormats, GetKnowledge(), New ForgottenKnowledge())

    ' Start a group of changes in the change batch. The group is ordered by item ID.
    ' _getChangeBatchCurrent is 0 the first time GetChangeBatch is called, and is used to track the
    ' position in the metadata store for subsequent calls to GetChangeBatch.

    ' itemsAdded is incremented each time a change is added to the change batch. When itemsAdded
    ' is greater than the requested batch size, enumeration stops and the change batch is returned.
    Dim itemsAdded As Integer = 0

    Dim itemMeta As ItemMetadata

    ' Enumerate items and add a change to the change batch if it is not contained in the 
    ' destination knowledge.
    ' _items is a SortedList that contains ItemMetadata objects that are ordered by item ID.
    While itemsAdded <= batchSize AndAlso _getChangeBatchCurrent < _items.Count
        itemMeta = _items.Values(_getChangeBatchCurrent)
        Dim kind As ChangeKind = If((itemMeta.IsDeleted), ChangeKind.Deleted, ChangeKind.Update)
        Dim change As New ItemChange(IdFormats, ReplicaId, itemMeta.GlobalId, kind, itemMeta.CreationVersion, itemMeta.ChangeVersion)

        ' If the change is not contained in the destination knowledge, add it to the change batch.
        If Not mappedDestKnowledge.Contains(change) Then
            itemsAdded += 1
        End If
        _getChangeBatchCurrent += 1
    End While

    ' End the group of changes in the change batch. Pass the current source knowledge.
    changeBatch.EndOrderedGroup(_items.Values(_getChangeBatchCurrent - 1).GlobalId, _knowledge)

    ' When all items in the metadata store have been enumerated, set this batch as the
    ' last batch.
    If _getChangeBatchCurrent = _items.Count Then
    End If

    Return changeBatch
End Function
public override ChangeBatch GetChangeBatch(uint batchSize, SyncKnowledge destinationKnowledge)
    // The destination knowledge must be converted to be compatible with the source replica
    // before it can be used.
    SyncKnowledge mappedDestKnowledge = _knowledge.MapRemoteKnowledgeToLocal(destinationKnowledge);

    // Create a new change batch, initialized by using the current knowledge of the source replica
    // and a new ForgottenKnowledge object.
    ChangeBatch changeBatch = new ChangeBatch(IdFormats, GetKnowledge(), new ForgottenKnowledge());

    // Start a group of changes in the change batch. The group is ordered by item ID.
    // _getChangeBatchCurrent is 0 the first time GetChangeBatch is called, and is used to track the
    // position in the metadata store for subsequent calls to GetChangeBatch.
    // itemsAdded is incremented each time a change is added to the change batch. When itemsAdded
    // is greater than the requested batch size, enumeration stops and the change batch is returned.
    int itemsAdded = 0;
    ItemMetadata itemMeta;

    // Enumerate items and add a change to the change batch if it is not contained in the 
    // destination knowledge.
    // _items is a SortedList that contains ItemMetadata objects that are ordered by item ID.
    for (; itemsAdded <= batchSize && _getChangeBatchCurrent < _items.Count; _getChangeBatchCurrent++)
        itemMeta = _items.Values[_getChangeBatchCurrent];
        ChangeKind kind = (itemMeta.IsDeleted) ? ChangeKind.Deleted : ChangeKind.Update;
        ItemChange change = new ItemChange(IdFormats, ReplicaId, itemMeta.GlobalId, kind, itemMeta.CreationVersion, 

        // If the change is not contained in the destination knowledge, add it to the change batch.
        if (!mappedDestKnowledge.Contains(change))

    // End the group of changes in the change batch. Pass the current source knowledge.
    changeBatch.EndOrderedGroup(_items.Values[_getChangeBatchCurrent - 1].GlobalId, _knowledge);

    // When all items in the metadata store have been enumerated, set this batch as the
    // last batch.
    if (_getChangeBatchCurrent == _items.Count)

    return changeBatch;

Consulte também


Classe ChangeBatchBase
Membros ChangeBatchBase
Namespace Microsoft.Synchronization