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Interface IDTSRuntimeComponent100

Defines the run-time methods of a data flow component.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap (em Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap.dll)


<GuidAttribute("9146EAB1-C5B9-4734-B4BA-7D45D0B327D1")> _
Public Interface IDTSRuntimeComponent100
Dim instance As IDTSRuntimeComponent100
public interface IDTSRuntimeComponent100
public interface class IDTSRuntimeComponent100
type IDTSRuntimeComponent100 =  interface end
public interface IDTSRuntimeComponent100

O tipo IDTSRuntimeComponent100 expõe os membros a seguir.


  Nome Descrição
Propriedade pública BufferManager Sets the IDTSBufferManager100 of a pipeline component.
Propriedade pública ComponentMetaData Sets the IDTSComponentMetaData100 for a component.
Propriedade pública EventInfos Sets the IDTSEventInfos100 collection of the PipelineComponent object.
Propriedade pública LogEntryInfos Provides the IDTSLogEntryInfos100 object to a component.
Propriedade pública ReferenceTracker Sets the IDTSObjectReferenceTracker100.
Propriedade pública RequiredProductLevel Gets a value indicating the required SQL Server product level for the data flow component.
Propriedade pública VariableDispenser Sets the IDTSVariableDispenser100 of a data flow component.



  Nome Descrição
Método público Cleanup Frees resources and completes the execution of a component.
Método público PerformUpgrade Upgrades the component metadata to the version of the component that is installed on the local computer.
Método público PostExecute Called at the end of the execution of a component. The developer can supply code that executes after the component's main processing.
Método público PreExecute Called after PrepareForExecute, and before PrimeOutput and ProcessInput. The developer can supply code that executes once before the component performs its main processing.
Método público PrepareForExecute Called prior to PreExecute. The developer can supply code that executes once before the component performs its main processing and before the input buffers are available.
Método público PrimeOutput Called during package execution for components that add rows to the IDTSBuffer100; including source components and transformation components with asynchronous IDTSOutput100 objects. The developer needs to supply the code that adds the rows to the output buffers.
Método público ProcessInput Called on transformation and destination components that have IDTSInput100 objects that are connected to an upstream component. The developer needs to supply the code that processes the input buffers.



The IDTSRuntimeComponent100 interface defines the methods and properties that are called during execution of a data flow component. This interface is one of the two interfaces that all data flow components implement; the other is the IDTSDesigntimeComponent100 interface.

Managed component developers do not need to implement this interface directly but instead derive the methods from the PipelineComponent base class and override its implementation of these methods.

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Namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper