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Classe ServerAlias

The ServerAlias class represents an alias for a server connection on the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) installation.

Hierarquia de herança

System. . :: . .Object
  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo. . :: . .SmoObjectBase
    Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi. . :: . .WmiSmoObject

Namespace:  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi
Assembly:  Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlWmiManagement (em Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlWmiManagement.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class ServerAlias _
    Inherits WmiSmoObject _
    Implements ICreatable, IDroppable
Dim instance As ServerAlias
public sealed class ServerAlias : WmiSmoObject, 
    ICreatable, IDroppable
public ref class ServerAlias sealed : public WmiSmoObject, 
    ICreatable, IDroppable
type ServerAlias =  
        inherit WmiSmoObject
        interface ICreatable
        interface IDroppable
public final class ServerAlias extends WmiSmoObject implements ICreatable, IDroppable

O tipo ServerAlias expõe os membros a seguir.


  Nome Descrição
Método público ServerAlias() () () () Initializes a new instance of the ServerAlias class.
Método público ServerAlias(ManagedComputer, String) Initializes a new instance of the ServerAlias class on the specified WMI installation and with the specified name.



  Nome Descrição
Propriedade pública ConnectionString Gets or sets the connection string that the alias uses to connect to the server.
Propriedade pública Name Gets or sets the name of the referenced Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) object. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Propriedade pública Parent Gets or sets the ManagedComputer object that is the parent of the ServerAlias object.
Propriedade pública Properties Represents a collection of Property objects. Each Property object represents a property defined on the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) object. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Propriedade pública ProtocolName Gets or sets the name of the protocol used by the server connection alias.
Propriedade pública ServerName Gets or sets the name of the instance of SQL Server to which the server alias connects.
Propriedade pública State Gets the state of the referenced object. (Herdado de SmoObjectBase.)
Propriedade pública Urn Gets the Uniform Resource Name (URN) address that represents the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) object. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Propriedade pública UserData Gets or sets user-defined data associated with the referenced object. (Herdado de SmoObjectBase.)



  Nome Descrição
Método protegido AlterProtocolProperties Updates any protocol object property changes on the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) installation. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método protegido CheckObjectState Checks the state of the referenced object. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método público Create Creates a server connection alias on the WMI installation as defined by the ServerAlias object.
Método protegido CreateProtocolPropertyCollection Creates a set of protocol attributes for the referenced object. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método público Drop Removes the server connection alias from the WMI installation.
Método público Equals (Herdado de Object.)
Método protegido Finalize (Herdado de Object.)
Método público GetHashCode (Herdado de Object.)
Método protegido GetPropertyManagementObject Gets the management object for the specified protocol property. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método protegido GetPropertyObject Gets the property from the specified collection with the specified position and value. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método protegido GetProtocolPropertyCollection Returns the protocol property collection for the referenced object. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método público GetType (Herdado de Object.)
Método protegido ImplInitialize Initializes the fields of the WmiSmoObjectobject. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método público Initialize Initializes the referenced object. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método protegido InvokeMgmtMethod(ManagementObject, String, array<Object> [] () [] []) Invokes the management method for the referenced object with the specified management object, method name, and parameters. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método protegido InvokeMgmtMethod(ManagementObject, ManagementOperationObserver, String, array<Object> [] () [] []) Invokes the management method for the referenced object with the specified management object, observer, method name, and parameters. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método protegido IsObjectInitialized Specifies whether the referenced object is initialized. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método protegido MemberwiseClone (Herdado de Object.)
Método público Refresh Refreshes the referenced object and its properties. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método protegido SetName Sets the name of the referenced object. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método protegido SetParentImpl Sets the parent of the referenced object. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método público ToString (Herdado de Object.)
Método protegido UpdateObjectState Updates the object state. (Herdado de WmiSmoObject.)
Método público Validate Validates the state of an object. (Herdado de SmoObjectBase.)



A server connection alias is required when:

  • The client is connecting to an instance of Microsoft SQL Server over a network transport that is not the default network transport.

  • The instance of SQL Server to which the client is connected listens on an alternate named pipe.

Thread Safety

Qualquer membro público estático (Compartilhado no Microsoft Visual Basic) desse tipo é seguro para operações multi-threaded. Não há garantia de que qualquer membro de instância seja seguro para threads.

Segurança de thread

Qualquer membro público static (Shared no Visual Basic) desse tipo é seguro para threads. Não há garantia de que qualquer membro de instância seja seguro para threads.