Transfer SQL Server Objects Task Editor (Objects Page)
Use the Objects page of the Transfer SQL Server Objects Task Editor dialog box to specify properties for copying one or more SQL Server objects from one instance of SQL Server to another. Tables, views, stored procedures, and user-defined functions are a few examples of SQL Server objects that you can copy. For more information about this task, see Transfer SQL Server Objects Task.
The user who creates the Transfer SQL Server Objects task must have sufficient permissions on the source server objects to select them for copying, and permission to access the destination server database where the objects will be transferred.
Static Options
- SourceConnection
Select a SMO connection manager in the list, or click <New connection...> to create a new connection to the source server.
- SourceDatabase
Select a database on the source server from which objects will be copied.
- DestinationConnection
Select a SMO connection manager in the list, or click <New connection...> to create a new connection to the destination server.
- DestinationDatabase
Select a database on the destination server to which objects will be copied.
- DropObjectsFirst
Select whether the selected objects will be dropped first on the destination server before copying.
- IncludeExtendedProperties
Select whether extended properties will be included when objects are copied from the source to the destination server.
- CopyData
Select whether data will be included when objects are copied from the source to the destination server.
Specify how data will be copied to the destination server. This property has the options listed in the following table:Value Description Replace
Data on the destination server will be overwritten.
Data copied from the source server will be appended to existing data on the destination server.
The ExistingData option is only available when CopyData is set to True.
Select whether the schema is copied during the Transfer SQL Server Objects task.Note
CopySchema is only available for SQL Server 2005.
- UseCollation
Select whether the transfer of objects should include the collation specified on the source server.
- IncludeDependentObjects
Select whether copying the selected objects will cascade to include other objects that depend on the objects selected for copying.
- CopyAllObjects
Select whether the task will copy all objects in the specified source database or only selected objects. Setting this option to False gives you the option to select the objects to transfer, and displays the dynamic options in the section, CopyAllObjects.
Expand ObjectsToCopy to specify which objects should be copied from the source database to the destination database.Note
ObjectsToCopy is only available when CopyAllObjects is set to False.
The options to copy the following types of objects are supported only on SQL Server 2005:
Partition functions
Partition schemes
User-defined aggregates
User-defined types
XML schema collections
- CopyDatabaseUsers
Specify whether database users should be included in the transfer.
- CopyDatabaseRoles
Specify whether database roles should be included in the transfer.
- CopySqlServerLogins
Specify whether SQL Server logins should be included in the transfer.
- CopyObjectLevelPermissions
Specify whether object-level permissions should be included in the transfer.
- CopyIndexes
Specify whether indexes should be included in the transfer.
- CopyTriggers
Specify whether triggers should be included in the transfer.
- CopyFullTextIndexes
Specify whether full-text indexes should be included in the transfer.
- CopyPrimaryKeys
Specify whether primary keys should be included in the transfer.
- CopyForeignKeys
Specify whether foreign keys should be included in the transfer.
- GenerateScriptsInUnicode
Specify whether the generated transfer scripts are in Unicode format.
Dynamic Options
CopyAllObjects = False
- CopyAllTables
Select whether the task will copy all tables in the specified source database or only the selected tables.
- TablesList
Click to open the Select Tables dialog box.
- CopyAllViews
Select whether the task will copy all views in the specified source database or only the selected views.
- ViewsList
Click to open the Select Views dialog box.
- CopyAllStoredProcedures
Select whether the task will copy all user-defined stored procedures in the specified source database or only the selected procedures.
- StoredProceduresList
Click to open the Select Stored Procedures dialog box.
- CopyAllUserDefinedFunctions
Select whether the task will copy all user-defined functions in the specified source database or only the selected UDFs.
- UserDefinedFunctionsList
Click to open the Select User Defined Functions dialog box.
- CopyAllDefaults
Select whether the task will copy all defaults in the specified source database or only the selected defaults.
- DefaultsList
Click to open the Select Defaults dialog box.
- CopyAllUserDefinedDataTypes
Select whether the task will copy all user-defined data types in the specified source database or only the selected user-defined data types.
- UserDefinedDataTypesList
Click to open the Select User-Defined Data Types dialog box.
- CopyAllPartitionFunctions
Select whether the task will copy all user-defined partition functions in the specified source database or only the selected partition functions. Supported only on SQL Server 2005.
- PartitionFunctionsList
Click to open the Select Partition Functions dialog box.
- CopyAllPartitionSchemes
Select whether the task will copy all partition schemes in the specified source database or only the selected partition schemes. Supported only on SQL Server 2005.
- PartitionSchemesList
Click to open the Select Partition Schemes dialog box.
- CopyAllSchemas
Select whether the task will copy all schemas in the specified source database or only the selected schemas. Supported only on SQL Server 2005.
- SchemasList
Click to open the Select Schemas dialog box.
- CopyAllSqlAssemblies
Select whether the task will copy all SQL assemblies in the specified source database or only the selected SQL assemblies. Supported only on SQL Server 2005.
- SqlAssembliesList
Click to open the Select SQL Assemblies dialog box.
- CopyAllUserDefinedAggregates
Select whether the task will copy all user-defined aggregates in the specified source database or only the selected user-defined aggregates. Supported only on SQL Server 2005.
- UserDefinedAggregatesList
Click to open the Select User-Defined Aggregates dialog box.
- CopyAllUserDefinedTypes
Select whether the task will copy all user-defined types in the specified source database or only the selected UDTs. Supported only on SQL Server 2005.
- UserDefinedTypes
Click to open the Select User-Defined Types dialog box.
- CopyAllXmlSchemaCollections
Select whether the task will copy all XML Schema collections in the specified source database or only the selected XML schema collections. Supported only on SQL Server 2005.
- XmlSchemaCollectionsList
Click to open the Select XML Schema Collections dialog box.
See Also
Task Properties UI Reference
Transfer SQL Server Objects Task Editor (General Page)
Expressions Page
Other Resources
Integration Services Error and Message Reference
Integration Services Tasks
Using Native, Character, or Unicode Formats
Security Considerations for Databases and Database Applications