Publication Properties, Data Partitions
The Data Partitions page of the Publication Properties dialog box allows you to define data partitions for merge publications that use parameterized filtering. After defining partitions, you can then generate snapshots for these partitions, providing different initial data sets for different Subscribers based on the connection properties (login and/or computer name) of the Subscribers. You can also select to allow Subscribers to request snapshot delivery and generation if they do not have a snapshot available for their partition the first time they synchronize. For more information, see How to: Generate a Snapshot for a Merge Publication with Parameterized Filters (SQL Server Management Studio).
- Add
Click Add to define a partition. In the Add Data Partition dialog box, specify values for HOST_NAME() and/or SUSER_SNAME(), and define a schedule to refresh snapshots.
- Edit
Select an existing partition in the grid, and click Edit to edit the partition.
- Delete
Select an existing partition in the grid, and click Delete to delete the partition.
- Generate the selected snapshots now
Select one or more partitions in the grid, and click Generate the selected snapshots now to generate snapshots for these partitions.
- Clean up the existing snapshots
Select one or more partitions in the grid, and click Clean up the existing snapshots to clean up snapshots for these partitions.
- Automatically define a partition and generate a snapshot if needed when a new Subscriber tries to synchronize
Select this option if you want to allow Subscribers to request snapshot generation and application. Subscribers might require this option if they do not have a snapshot available for their partition the first time they synchronize.
See Also
Other Resources
How to: Create a Publication and Define Articles (SQL Server Management Studio)
How to: View and Modify Publication and Article Properties (SQL Server Management Studio)
Parameterized Row Filters
Publishing Data and Database Objects
Replication Properties
Replication Wizards
Snapshots for Merge Publications with Parameterized Filters