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How to: Specify the Location of the Temporary Database by Using the Replication and RDA Objects

You can explicitly specify the location and size of the temporary database by using the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Replication and Remote Data Access objects. To specify the location, add the temp path, temp file directory, or ssce:temp file directory parameter to the connection string (set with either SqlCeReplication.SubscriberConnectionString or SqlCeRemoteDataAccess.LocalConnectionString). To specify the size, add the temp file max size parameter.


The location you specify for the temporary database must already exist.


The following example shows how to use the SubscriberConnectionString property in the Replication object to set the location of the temporary database.

SqlCeReplication ceRepl = new SqlCeReplication();
ceRepl.SubscriberConnectionString = @"Persist Security Info = False;
   Temp File Directory = '\TempDB\'; Temp File Max Size = 256;
   Data Source = 'SalesData.sdf';
   Password = '<password>'; File Mode = 'shared read';
   Max Database Size = 256; Max Buffer Size = 1024";
Dim repl As New SqlCeReplication()
repl.SubscriberConnectionString = "Persist Security Info = False;" & _
   "Temp File Directory = '\TempDB\'; Temp File Max Size = 256;" & _
   "Data Source = 'SalesData.sdf';" & _
   "Password = '<password>'; File Mode = 'shared read';" & _
   "Max Database Size = 256; Max Buffer Size = 1024"

The following example shows how to use the LocalConnectionString property in the RemoteDataAccess object to set the location of the temporary database.

SqlCeRemoteDataAccess rda = new SqlCeRemoteDataAccess();
rda.LocalConnectionString = @"Persist Security Info = False;
   Temp Path = '\TempDB\'; Data Source = 'SalesData.sdf';
   Password = '<password>'; File Mode = 'shared read';
   Max Database Size = 256; Max Buffer Size = 1024";
Dim rda As New SqlCeRemoteDataAccess()
rda.LocalConnectionString = "Persist Security Info = False;" & _
   "Temp Path = '\TempDB\'; Data Source = 'SalesData.sdf';" & _
   "Password = '<password>'; File Mode = 'shared read';" & _
   "Max Database Size = 256; Max Buffer Size = 1024"