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Exemplo do método Find (VB)

Este exemplo usa o método Find do objeto Recordset para localizar e contar o número de títulos de negócios no banco de dadospubs do. O exemplo pressupõe que o provedor subjacente não dá suporte a funcionalidades semelhantes.

    'To integrate this code  
    'replace the data source and initial catalog values  
    'in the connection string  
Public Sub Main()  
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler  
     ' connection and recordset variables  
    Dim Cnxn As New ADODB.Connection  
    Dim rstTitles As New ADODB.Recordset  
    Dim strCnxn As String  
    Dim strSQLTitles As String  
     ' record variables  
    Dim mark As Variant  
    Dim count As Integer  
     ' open connection  
    Set Cnxn = New ADODB.Connection  
    strCnxn = "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source='MySqlServer';" & _  
        "Initial Catalog='Pubs';Integrated Security='SSPI';"  
    Cnxn.Open strCnxn  
    ' open recordset with default parameters which are  
    ' sufficient to search forward through a Recordset  
    Set rstTitles = New ADODB.Recordset  
    strSQLTitles = "SELECT title_id FROM titles"  
    rstTitles.Open strSQLTitles, Cnxn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText  
    count = 0  
    rstTitles.Find "title_id LIKE 'BU%'"  
    Do While Not rstTitles.EOF  
        'continue if last find succeeded  
        Debug.Print "Title ID: "; rstTitles!title_id  
        'count the last title found  
        count = count + 1  
        ' note current position  
        mark = rstTitles.Bookmark  
        rstTitles.Find "title_id LIKE 'BU%'", 1, adSearchForward, mark  
        ' above code skips current record to avoid finding the same row repeatedly;  
        ' last arg (bookmark) is redundant because Find searches from current position  
    Debug.Print "The number of business titles is " & count  
    ' clean up  
    Set rstTitles = Nothing  
    Set Cnxn = Nothing  
    Exit Sub  
    ' clean up  
    If Not rstTitles Is Nothing Then  
        If rstTitles.State = adStateOpen Then rstTitles.Close  
    End If  
    Set rstTitles = Nothing  
    If Not Cnxn Is Nothing Then  
        If Cnxn.State = adStateOpen Then Cnxn.Close  
    End If  
    Set Cnxn = Nothing  
    If Err <> 0 Then  
        MsgBox Err.Source & "-->" & Err.Description, , "Error"  
    End If  
End Sub  

Consulte Também

do Método Find (ADO)
do objeto Recordset (ADO)