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Create the approval process for a proposal (Project Server 2010)


Aplica-se a: Project Server 2010

Tópico modificado em: 2017-01-19

The approval process in Microsoft Project Web App enables decision-makers to tightly control which projects and proposals continue along in their life cycles. The site administrator and the server administrator work together to set up the approval process.

What do you want to do?

  • Learn about how to create an approval process

  • Create or edit a user account

  • Create or edit a user group

Learn about how to create an approval process

Although Microsoft Project Server 2010 has a standard approval process, your organization may have specific needs that require a unique approval structure.

Create or edit a user account

  1. On the Quick Launch, click Server Settings.

  2. In the Security section, click Manage Users.

  3. Choose to create a new user or edit an existing user.

    • To create a new user, click New User.

    • To edit an existing user, click the name of the user in the list.

  4. If you want the user to be available as a resource to assign to projects and tasks, select the User can be assigned as a resource check box.

  5. Under Display Name, type a display name for the user, and then complete any of the other optional fields in the Identification Information section.

  6. Under User Authentication, choose the authentication method for this user, and provide a User logon account.

  7. If you chose to make this user available as a project resource, complete the appropriate fields in the Assignment Attributes section.

  8. In the Exchange Server Details section, choose whether to synchronize the user's project tasks with his or her Outlook tasks by selecting or clearing the Synchronize Tasks check box.


    Unless your organization has a policy requiring that project tasks be synchronized with Outlook, a best practice is to check with the user before you select this check box.

  9. Under Departments, choose which departments this user belongs to.

  10. Complete the required fields in the Resource Custom Fields section.

  11. In the Security Groups section, choose this user's appropriate user groups in the Available Groups box, and then click Add to move them to the Groups that contain this user box.

  12. If this user must have additional permissions that are not granted through the selected security groups, use the Security Categories and Global Permissions sections to grant the unique permissions.

  13. If your organization uses group fields for reporting or filtering, complete the fields in the Group Fields section.

  14. If this user represents a team for team resource assignments, select the Team Assignment Pool check box, and then choose which team this user is representing.

  15. Click Save to add the user to the server.

Create or edit a user group

  1. On the Quick Launch, click Server Settings.

  2. In the Security section, click Manage Groups.

  3. To create a new user group, click New Group. To edit an existing group, click the name of the group in the list.

  4. In the Group Name box, type the group name, and provide a brief description in the Description box.

  5. If you want to synchronize this group with an existing Active Directory group, click Find Group.

  6. Select the users whom you want to be a part of this group in the Available Users box, and then click Add to move them to the Selected Users box.

  7. Select the categories that you want to make available to members of this group from the Available Categories box, and then click Add to move them to the Selected Categories box.

  8. Select a category from the Selected Categories box, and then use the Allow and Deny check boxes to indicate the permissions for members of this group. Repeat this for each category in the Selected Categories box.

  9. If members of this group must have any specific global permissions, expand the corresponding section and use the Allow and Deny check boxes to indicate the appropriate permissions.

  10. Click Save to update the server.