Project Active Directory top-level group has no members
Aplica-se a: Project Server 2010, Project Server 2013
Tópico modificado em: 2013-12-18
Element ID / Rule Name: Project_Active_Directory_Top_Level_Group_Has_No_Members
Summary: The top-level Active Directory group that is mapped to the Enterprise Resource Pool or a Microsoft Project Web App Security Group does not contain any members. Because of this, no user objects in the Active Directory directory service will be synchronized with Microsoft Project Server.
Cause: The top-level Active Directory group that is mapped to the Enterprise Resource Pool or a Project Web App Security Group does not contain any members.
Possible resolutions include the following:
- To keep this warning from occurring, add members to the Active Directory group. If you have created the Active Directory group and plan to add members to the group at a later time, you can ignore this message.