Project notification XSLT transformation error
Aplica-se a: Project Server 2010, Project Server 2013
Tópico modificado em: 2013-12-18
Element ID / Rule Name: Project_Notification_XSLT_Transformation_Error
Summary: This alert indicates that the XSL used to transform XML data in the body of an e-mail message has failed.
Cause: Possible causes may include:
The XSL data might be corrupted.
If the XSL data was customized, there could be an error in the custom code.
Other custom updates to the server farm might create a situation that is not compatible with the XSL data.
Possible resolutions include the following:
Make sure the performance point service application is created. Re-try Microsoft Project Web App (PWA) creation.
Performing the following steps:
Check the Windows NT Event log to determine the notification e-mail type UID.
Using the notification e-mail type UID from the Windows NT Event log, query the MSP_Notification_XSLS table in the Published database to return the notification e-mail XSL.
Verify that the XSL does not contain any errors.
If necessary, restore the XSL for the specified notification e-mail type UID from backup.