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Load model data

When you load model data, you load the fact data from the staging database to the application database. This step integrates all changes to model data in the staging database, such as additions or updates, into the application database. Fact data that is not changed in the staging database remains unchanged in the application database.

You must be a member of the Data Administrator role to load models to load data. For more information, see Security roles.

Model data must be loaded after all dimension data has been loaded and synchronized. See the Load dimension data topic.

To load model data from the staging database to the application database

  1. Start Planning Business Modeler.

  2. Connect to the application and model site that you want.

  3. In the Workspace Browser, click Models.

  4. In the Models workspace, double-click the model that you want to load data into. The Summary page for that model is displayed.

  5. In the Model Tasks area, click Check Out.

  6. In the Model Tasks area, click Load this model from Staging Area.

  7. In the warning dialog box, click OK. The warning is displayed to make sure that previous steps have been completed. Planning Business Modeler loads the model data from the staging database to the application database. The results of this process are displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Planning Business Modeler window.

  8. Check the Summary page to verify that model data was successfully loaded.

  9. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for each model that you want to load data into from the staging database.

To confirm the success of the model load

  1. Verify that BizSystemFlag = 100 for each row.

    Any value of 900 or more for this flag indicates the load failed for that particular row in the staging database. For more information about error codes, see BizSystemFlag errors.

  2. Verify that BizValidationStatus =0.

    Any value other than 0 indicates the load failed for that particular row. See the BizValidationStatus errors topic for more information.

    You can reload failed rows after you correct the problem.

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