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SALT Applicability Cross Reference

  Microsoft Speech Technologies Homepage

The following table indicates the components of Speech Application Language Tags (SALT) that are available to Speech clients.

Component Telephony Application Server Desktop Client Windows Mobile-based Pocket PC Client
audiometer element   X1 X1
  barspace attribute X1 X1 X1
  barwidth attribute X1 X1 X1
  height attribute X1 X1 X1
  id attribute X1 X1 X1
  multicolor attribute X1 X1 X1
  statusbar attribute X1 X1 X1
  targetelement attribute X1 X1  
  targetlocation attribute X1 X1  
  width attribute X1 X1 X1
  x attribute X1 X1 X1
  y attribute X1 X1 X1
bind element X X X
  targetattribute attribute X X X
  targetelement attribute X X X
  targetmethod attribute X X X
  test attribute X X X
  value attribute X X X
content element X X X
  href attribute X X X
  type attribute X X X
dtmf element X    
  dtmfresult property X X X
  endsilence attribute X X X
  Flush method X X X
  id attribute X X X
  initialtimeout attribute X X X
  interdigittimeout attribute X X X
  onerror event X X X
  onkeypress event X X X
  onnoreco event X X X
  onreco event X X X
  onsilence event X X X
  preflush attribute X X X
  reason property   X1 X1
  Start method X X X
  status property X X X
  Stop method X X X
  text property X X X
grammar element X X X
  src attribute X X X
  type attribute X X X
  lang attribute X X X
  xmlns attribute X X X
listen element X X X
  Activate method X X X
  babbletimeout attribute X X X
  beep attribute X X X
  Cancel method X X X
  Deactivate method X X X
  endsilence attribute X X X
  id attribute X X X
  initialtimeout attribute X X X
  maxtimeout attribute X X X
  mode attribute X X X
  onerror event X X X
  onnoreco event X X X
  onreco event X X X
  onsilence event X X X
  onspeechdetected event X X X
  reason property   X1 X1
  recordduration property X X X
  recordlocation property X X X
  recordsize property X X X
  recordtype property X X X
  recoresult property X X X
  reject attribute X X X
  Start method X X X
  status property X X X
  Stop method X X X
  text property X X X
  lang attribute X X X
param element X X X
  name attribute X X X
  xmlns attribute X X X
prompt element X X X
  bargein attribute X X X
  id attribute X X X
  onbargein event X X X
  oncomplete event X X X
  onerror event X X X
  Pause method   X1 X1
  prefetch attribute X2 X X
  Queue method 1    
  reason property   X1 X1
  Resume method   X1 X1
  Start method X X X
  status property X X X
  Stop method   X1 X1
  lang attribute X X X
  xmlns attribute X X X
PromptQueue object X    
  Change method X    
  empty attribute X    
  Flush method X    
  onempty event X    
  onerror event X    
  Pause method X    
  Resume method X    
  Start method X    
  status property X    
  Stop method X    
record element X    
  type attribute X X X
smex element X    
  id attribute X    
  onerror event X    
  onreceive event X    
  ontimeout event X    
  sent attribute X    
  status property X    
  timer attribute x    
value element X X X
  targetattribute attribute X X X
  targetelement attribute X X X
LogMessage function X    


  1. Microsoft-specific implementation. This implementation may be a completely new Microsoft-specific extension of SALT, or a Microsoft-specific addition of features that extend an existing functionality within SALT.
  2. Implemented but generally ignored.

See Also

bind Element | grammar Element | listen Element | smex Element