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ReportsNode Members

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A ConsoleNode object that supports SiteAction objects that allow displaying one or more reports without also closing the ConsoleNode object. Reports appear when the ConsoleNode object has the focus.

The ReportsNode type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ReportsNode() Initializes a new ReportsNode object with a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) as its parent.
Public method ReportsNode(ConsoleNode) Initializes a new ReportsNode object with the specified ConsoleNode object as its parent.



  Name Description
Public property AccessKey Gets or sets the access key of this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property Action Gets or sets the ConsoleAction object that corresponds to this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property Attributes Gets a collection of all Attributes properties pertaining to this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property ChangedNodeId Gets or sets the identifier (ID) of the ConsoleNode object being replaced, modified, or deleted. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property ChildConsoleNodes Gets the collection of ConsoleNode objects that are child objects of this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property ConfigMenu Gets or sets how this ConsoleNode object is used with the existing hierarchy. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property Description Gets or sets a string containing text that describes this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property DisplayText (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property Enabled Gets or sets whether the ConsoleNode object should be enabled for the user. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property HasChildNodes Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether this ConsoleNode object has any child ConsoleNode objects. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property HideIfDisabled Gets or sets whether this ConsoleNode object should be hidden from view when it is disabled. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property HideStates Gets or sets the states for which this ConsoleNode object should be hidden. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property Id Gets or sets the identifier (ID) of this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property ImageUrl Gets or sets the URL of the image shown when this ConsoleNode is used. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property IsSeparatorImage Gets or sets whether this ConsoleNode object is a separator of other items. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property IsSiteRelative Gets or sets whether to interpret the href property as relative to the current SPWeb object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property MenuGroupId Gets or sets the group identifier (ID) in which this item should be displayed. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property href Gets the URL to navigate to when this action is selected in the site actions menu. (Overrides ConsoleNode.href.)
Public property OriginalId Gets or sets the original identifier (ID) of this ConsoleNode before an associated action modifies it. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property ParentNode Gets or sets the parent ConsoleNode of this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property PermissionContext Gets or sets the context in which to evaluate the permissions of this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property RequiredStates Gets or sets the states required to enable this ConsoleNode object in the current context. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property RightsMode Gets or sets whether all or any UserRights properties must be satisfied. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property Sequence Gets or sets the place where this ConsoleNode object appears in the node order. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property Text Gets or sets the display text associated with this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property Title Gets or sets the title of this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property UIVersion (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property UseActionImageUrl Gets or sets whether this ConsoleNode object should use its own ImageUrl property or that of the referenced ConsoleAction object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property UseActionhref Gets or sets whether this ConsoleNode should use its own href property or that of the referenced ConsoleAction object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property UseActionRightsMask Gets or sets whether this ConsoleNode should use its own UserRights property or that of the referenced ConsoleAction object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property UseActionStatesMask Gets or sets whether this ConsoleNode should use its own RequiredStates property or those of the referenced ConsoleAction object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property UseActionText Gets or sets whether this ConsoleNode object should use its own display text or that of a referenced ConsoleAction object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Public property UserRights Gets the SPBasePermissions object that is required to perform this action. (Overrides ConsoleNode.UserRights.)
Public property Visible Specifies whether the ConsoleNode should be displayed to the user. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)



  Name Description
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method IsCurrentlyEnabled Specifies whether the ConsoleNode object should be enabled or disabled without being restricted to what is defined in the AuthoringStates enumeration. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)
Public method UserHasRights Determines whether the current user has rights to view this ConsoleNode object. (Inherited from ConsoleNode.)


See Also


ReportsNode Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls.EditingMenuActions Namespace