SPMobileUtility Members
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Provides access to methods and enumerations for working with a mobile Web application.
The SPMobileUtility type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DefaultStyleSheetTemplatePath | Gets the path for the default mobile style sheet. | |
MaximumImageSize | Gets the maximum size, in Kbytes, of any image that can appear on a mobile page. |
Name | Description | |
AppendMobileQueryString | Returns the URL with either “?Mobile=1” or “?Mobile=o” appended to the end. | |
AppendSourceQueryString | Appends, to the URL of a mobile page, the URL of the page from which the user navigated; that is, the page to which a Back button would navigate. | |
CreateFolderNavigation | Creates a link to the contents of a child folder. | |
CreateLogOnSelector | ||
EncodeQueryStrings | Returns the URL with all query values encoded. | |
GenerateExternalUri | Generates an external (outside the firewall) URI for the page in the specified internal URI. | |
GenerateInternalUrl | Returns an absolute internal (within the firewall) URL based on the specified URL. | |
GetApplicationPath() | Returns the application path for the current mobile Web application. | |
GetApplicationPath(SPWeb) | Returns the application path for the specified mobile Web application. | |
GetAppRootDirName() | Gets the Web-relative mobile application root directory path. | |
GetAppRootDirName(SPWeb) | Obsolete. Gets the Web-relative mobile application root directory path. | |
GetBooleanFieldValue | Returns the value of the specified Boolean field. | |
GetClaimsAuthenticationProvider | ||
GetDateOptions | Returns the date options of the mobile Web application that are associated with the specified context and calendar type. | |
GetDispFormUrl() | Returns the URL of the display form (DispForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application. | |
GetDispFormUrl(SPContext) | Returns the URL of the display form (DispForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application. | |
GetDispFormUrl(SPView, SPItem, SPContext) | Returns the URL of the display form (DispForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application. | |
GetEditFormUrl() | Returns the URL of the edit form (EditForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application. | |
GetEditFormUrl(SPContext) | Returns the URL of the edit form (EditForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application. | |
GetEditFormUrl(SPView, SPItem, SPContext) | Returns the URL of the edit form (EditForm.aspx) of the mobile Web application. | |
GetEllipsisString(String, Int32) | Returns a truncated version of the specified string up to the specified length with ellipsis characters appended, or the entire string if it does not exceed the specified length. | |
GetEllipsisString(String, Int32, String) | Returns a truncated version of the specified string up to the specified length with ellipsis characters appended, or the entire string if it does not exceed the specified length. | |
GetErrorMessage | Returns error message text for the specified HTTP context. | |
GetFirstMobileView | Obsolete. Returns the first view in the specified list that applies to a mobile device. | |
GetFormUrl(PAGETYPE) | Returns the URL of the specified form in a mobile Web application. | |
GetFormUrl(SPContext, PAGETYPE) | Returns the URL of the specified form in a mobile Web application. | |
GetFormUrl(SPView, SPItem, SPContext, PAGETYPE) | Returns the URL of the specified form in a mobile Web application. | |
GetIisSettings | Gets an object with IIS settings based on the specified HTTP context. | |
GetImageSizeFromUri | Gets the size in Kbytes of the image file at the specified path. | |
GetItemId | Returns the identifier of the specified data transport item of a mobile Web application. | |
GetMobileConfigValue | Returns a string version of the configuration value for the specified mobile Web application. | |
GetMobileConfigValueAsInt | Returns an integer version of the configuration value for the specified mobile Web application. | |
GetMobileDefaultView | Obsolete. Returns the default view for an item in the specified list that applies to a mobile device. | |
GetMobileViewFromList(SPList) | Gets the default mobile view of the specified list. | |
GetMobileViewFromList(SPList, SPContext) | Gets the default mobile view of the specified list for the specified context. | |
GetNewFormUrl() | Returns the URL of the new form (NewForm.aspx) of a mobile Web application. | |
GetNewFormUrl(SPContext) | Returns the URL of the new form (NewForm.aspx)of a mobile Web application. | |
GetNewFormUrl(SPView, SPContext) | Returns the URL of the new form (NewForm.aspx)of a mobile Web application. | |
GetShortApplicationPath() | Returns the abbreviated application path for the current mobile Web application. | |
GetShortApplicationPath(SPWeb) | Returns the abbreviated application path for the specified mobile Web application. | |
GetUrlKeyValue | Returns a string version of the value associated with the specified URL key. | |
GetUrlKeyValueAsInt | Returns an integer version of the value that is associated with the specified URL key. | |
GetValidMobileView | Obsolete. Returns the next valid mobile view for the specified list. | |
GetViewUrl(SPList) | Returns the URL of the current list view in a mobile Web application. | |
GetViewUrl(SPList, SPView) | Returns the URL of the specified list view in a mobile Web application. | |
GetViewUrl(SPList, SPView, SPFolder) | Returns the URL of the specified list view in a mobile Web application. | |
GetViewUrl(SPList, SPView, SPContext, SPFolder) | Returns the URL of the specified list view in a mobile Web application. | |
GetWebConfigValue | Returns the site configuration value that is associated with the specified configuration key for a mobile Web application. | |
GetWebPropertyValue | Returns the value of the specified Web property. | |
IsFileUploadSupported | Returns a value that indicates whether a mobile device can upload files according to the specified capabilities object. | |
IsMobilePageRequest | Returns a value that indicates whether the mobile version of the request page should be returned. | |
IsValidField | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified field is valid. | |
IsValidTemplateName | Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the specified template name for a mobile Web application is valid. | |
IsViewExcluded | Returns a value that indicates whether the specified view, in the specified context, is not allowed on mobile devices. | |
IsViewFieldExcluded | Returns a value that indicates whether the specified field (column) appears in mobile list view. | |
Redirect(String, SPRedirectFlags, HttpContext) | Redirects the user to the specified URL, if it is valid. | |
Redirect(String, SPRedirectFlags, HttpContext, String) | Redirects the user to the specified URL, if it is valid, with the specified query strings. | |
RemoveWssAuthCookies | ||
SetErrorMessage | Specifies error message text for the specified HTTP context. | |
SupportsTouchUserInterface | Gets a value that indicates whether the mobile device browser supports touch screens. | |
UrlKeyValueDecode | Decodes the specified query string from a URL that was encoded with the UrlKeyValueEncode(String) method. | |
UrlKeyValueEncode | Encodes the specified query string (key/value pair) as either UTF-8 or Unicode depending on the device capabilities. |
Name | Description | |
AccessKeyAttrName | The attribute name of the access key for a mobile Web application. | |
AllDayEventFieldName | The all-day event field name for a mobile Web application. | |
ChtmlId | The cHTML identifier for a mobile Web application. | |
ContentsSuffixName | The contents suffix name for a mobile Web application. | |
DBCSQueryStringEncodingKey | The encoding key of a double-byte character set (DBCS) query string for a mobile Web application. | |
DefaultFileName | The default file name of a mobile Web application. | |
DefaultStringName | The default string name of a mobile Web application. | |
DeletePageFileName | The default page file name of a mobile Web application. | |
DispFormFileName | The file name of the display form of a mobile Web application. | |
DocomoId | The DoCoMo identifier for a mobile Web application. | |
EditFormFileName | The file name of the edit form of a mobile Web application. | |
EndDateFieldName | The field name of the end date for a mobile Web application. | |
ErrorPageFileName | The file name of the error page for a mobile Web application. | |
EventDateFieldName | The field name of the event date for a mobile Web application. | |
EventTypeName | The name (not the value) of the event type parameter. | |
HomePageFileName | The file name of the home page of a mobile Web application when the corresponding nonmobile home page is not a wiki-enabled page or a Web Parts page. | |
HtmlId | The HTML identifier of a mobile Web application. | |
InvalidValueString | The invalid-value string of a mobile Web application. | |
ItemIdUrlKey | The item-identifier URL key of a mobile Web application. | |
JphoneId | The Jphone identifier for a mobile Web application. | |
LayoutsDirectoryName | The directory name of the layouts for a mobile Web application. | |
ListIdUrlKey | The list-identifier URL key of a mobile Web application. | |
LoginPageFileName | The file name of the login page for a mobile Web application. | |
LogoutPageFileName | The file name of the logout page for a mobile Web application. | |
MobileAppRootDirectoryName | The root directory name of a mobile Web application. | |
MobileContextHttpHanderPrefix | The prefix of the context HTTP handler for a mobile Web application. | |
MobileErrorHttpHander | The HTTP error handler for a mobile Web application. | |
MobilePaginationWeightName | The name of the pagination weight for a mobile Web application. | |
MobileRedirectId | The redirect identifier of a mobile Web application. | |
NavigationSuffixName | The navigation suffix name of a mobile Web application. | |
NewFormFileName | The file name of the new form of a mobile Web application. | |
NokiaId | The Nokia identifier of a mobile Web application. | |
OpenwaveId | The Openwave identifier of a mobile Web application. | |
OperaId | The Opera identifier of a mobile Web application. | |
ParentIdFieldName | The field name of the parent identifier of a mobile Web application. | |
RecurrenceFieldName | The recurrence field name of a mobile Web application. | |
Redirect303Key | The Redirect 303 key for a mobile Web application. | |
RedirectSuffixName | The name of the redirect suffix of a mobile Web application. | |
TitleSuffixName | The name of the title suffix of a mobile Web application. | |
UrlPrefix | The URL prefix of a mobile Web application. | |
ViewFileName | The file name of a view in a mobile Web application. | |
ViewIdUrlKey | The URL key of the view identifier in a mobile Web application. | |
WmlId | The WML identifier of a mobile Web application. | |
XhtmlId | The XHTML identifier of a mobile Web application. |