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JsonUtility Members

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A class providing static methods to help convert data to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

The JsonUtility type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public methodStatic member DateTicksToJsTicks Converts an Int64 that corresponds to the value of a Ticks property of a DateTime to an Int64 that, when passed into an ECMAScript (JScript, JavaScript) Date object’s setTime method, will result in the ECMAScript Date representing the same date and time as the DateTime.
Public methodStatic member DeserializeDateTime Converts a serialized date and time to a System.DateTime object, or null if a valid conversion cannot be made.
Public methodStatic member EncodeFunctionCall Returns a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string that, when evaluated in ECMAScript (JScript, JavaScript) by the SP.JsGrid.Deserializer.DeserializeFromJson method will result in the function specified being called with the given arguments.
Public methodStatic member GetPropertiesToSerializeForType Get properties required to serialize a particular type.
Public methodStatic member IsValidLeftHandJsonString A Boolean representing whether this is a valid left hand JSON string.
Public methodStatic member JsonEncode Encode the string into JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
Public methodStatic member JsTicksToDateTicks Converts an Int64 that corresponds to the value returned by a call to getTicks on a ECMAScript (JScript, JavaScript) Date to a value that, when used to construct a DateTime, will result in that object representing the same date and time as the ECMAScript Date.
Public methodStatic member QuoteString Apply quotation marks to the string.
Public methodStatic member SerializeDateTime Serializes a System.DateTime object to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
Public methodStatic member SerializeToJsonFromProperties Generate JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) serialization by serializing the individual properties of an object.
Public methodStatic member UnquoteString Remove quotation marks from the given string


See Also


JsonUtility Class

Microsoft.SharePoint.JsonUtilities Namespace