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Assign a Mobile Message Service to a Web Application

Applies to: SharePoint Foundation 2010

This topic describes how you can programmatically assign a mobile messaging service account to a Web application.

Creating an MSP Account for a Web Application

Each SharePoint Foundation Web application, including the Central Administration Web application, can have an account with a mobile messaging service provider (MSP). Normally, these accounts are set by a farm administrator in the Application Management portion of the Central Administration application. However, you can programmatically create an account and assign it to a Web application. First, call a SPMobileMessagingAccount() constructor that does not require an SPMobileMessageServiceProvider parameter. Then call the UpdateSmsAccount(SPMobileMessagingAccount) method to assign the account to a Web application. In the following snippet, webApp is a reference to an SPWebApplication object. (See Getting References to Sites, Web Applications, and Other Key Objects for information on how to get a reference to such an object.) The snippet assumes that the file has using statements for Microsoft.SharePoint and System.Security Namespace. Note that the URL of the service must begin with "https"; that is, it must be a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) URL. Note also that the call to UpdateSmsAccount(SPMobileMessagingAccount) is passed as part of an anonymous delegate to the RunWithElevatedPrivileges(SPSecurity.CodeToRunElevated) method.

SecureString password = new SecureString();

SPMobileMessagingAccount account = 
    new SPMobileMessagingAccount("Contoso Messaging",

SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(delegate() {webApp.UpdateSmsAccount(account);
Dim password As New SecureString()

Dim account As New SPMobileMessagingAccount("Contoso Messaging", "", "BobG", password)

End Sub)

Once the Web application has been assigned an account with the MSP, your code can thereafter use the OutboundSmsServiceAccount property as a reference to the Web application’s account object.

See Also


Overview of Mobile Messaging Development