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GridHeaderUtils Members

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Applies to: PerformancePoint Services for SharePoint Server, Enterprise version
Represents the class that defines scorecard header utilities.

The GridHeaderUtils type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public methodStatic member AddCopyOfParentAsFirstChild Adds a copy of the parent as a first child to enable a rotated L-shaped column header.
Public methodStatic member AdjustColumnSpan Calculates the column span based on the number of visible sibling headers.
Public methodStatic member AllLeafChildrenHidden Indicates whether all leaf children are hidden.
Public methodStatic member AreHeaderTypesHomogeneous Indicates whether two header types are homogenous.
Public methodStatic member AssignAllNewGuids Assigns new GUIDs to this header and all of its descendants.
Public methodStatic member AssignGroupIdToHeader Recursively sets the GroupId property for the specified headers.
Public methodStatic member CopyHeaderPropertiesForTransformedHeaders Copies header properties to newly generated headers during dynamic expansion and drill transforms in client navigation.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member FilterHeadersByType Filters a list of headers by the specified type.
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetAllHeadersWithSameGroupId Returns a list of all headers in a tree that have the specified group identifier.
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GetLeafMostHeaderOfType(GridHeaderItem, ScorecardNodeTypes) Returns the leaf-most header of the specified type in a header tree.
Public methodStatic member GetLeafMostHeaderOfType(List<GridHeaderItem>, ScorecardNodeTypes) Returns the lowest leaf header of the specified type from a list of headers.
Public methodStatic member GetMaxLayerDepth Returns the maximum depth of the tree.
Public methodStatic member GetPathHash(GridHeaderItem) Returns a string that represents a header path.
Public methodStatic member GetPathHash(GridHeaderItem, GridHeaderItem) Returns a string that represents the intersection path of two headers.
Public methodStatic member GetRootMostHeaderOfType Returns the top-level header of a specified type from a list of headers.
Public methodStatic member GetSpanAdjustedTabularHeaders Returns a list of the layers of this tree with the column span and row span adjusted.
Public methodStatic member GetTabularHeaders Returns a list of the layers of this tree.
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member GridHeaderItemFromMemberNode Creates a header from the specified member node.
Public methodStatic member GridHeaderItemsToMemberCollection Converts a list of headers of type Member to a member collection.
Public methodStatic member GridHeaderTreeFromMemberTree Creates a header from a member tree.
Public methodStatic member IsAnyAscendantHidden Indicates whether any ascendant is hidden.
Public methodStatic member IsHeaderAlreadyAdded Indicates whether the header already exists in the specified list of headers.
Public methodStatic member IsHiddenByAncestorCollapseState Indicates whether any ascendant of the specified header is collapsed.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member NumOfHiddenSiblings Returns the number of hidden siblings for the specified header.
Public methodStatic member SetIsColumnHeaderProperty Recursively sets the IsColumnHeader property for the specified headers.
Public methodStatic member SetIsPathHiddenProperty Sets the IsPathHidden property for the specified headers.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See Also


GridHeaderUtils Class

Microsoft.PerformancePoint.Scorecards Namespace