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Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

Adds one unsigned 64-bit integer to another, optionally using a carry flag.

Implemented by:


Called by:

Client applications and service providers

  FILETIME ft1, 
  FILETIME ft2, 
  WORD FAR *pwCarry


  • ft1
    [in] A FILETIME structure that contains the first unsigned 64-bit integer to be added.

  • ft2
    [in] A FILETIME structure that contains the second unsigned 64-bit integer to be added.

  • pwCarry
    [in, out, optional] On input, a pointer to the incoming carry flag. On output, a pointer to the carry result for the addition. This parameter can be NULL if the carry result is not required.

Return Value

The FtAdcFt function returns a FILETIME structure that contains the sum of the two integers. The two input parameters remain unchanged. If pwCarry is non-NULL, it contains the carry result for the sum, either 0 or 1.


The FtAdcFt function is identical to FtAddFt when pwCarry is NULL. If pwCarry is not NULL and points to 0, FtAdcFt returns the same FILETIME value that FtAddFt returns.

See Also

