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Statusing Web Service

The Statusing class is the primary class in the [Statusing Web service] namespace. The Statusing class includes methods that manage task status updates and assignments.


In the ASMX web service, Statusing is a class. In the WCF service, Statusing is an interface that is implemented in the StatusingClient class. For information about using the StatusingClient class in a WCF-based application, see the Statusing class constructor.

The [Statusing Web service] namespace is an arbitrary name for a reference to the Statusing.asmx web service (or the Statusing.svc service) of the PSI in Microsoft Project Server 2010. Methods in the Statusing class can apply status updates or approvals, submit status updates, set summary information for submitted updates, delete approved status updates or approval history for a specified user, or delete all status information for a set of projects.


The Statusing methods work only for enterprise resources, not for local project resources. Project Server does not publish assignments for local resources.

Methods in the Statusing class also can:

  • Create, get, or delegate assignments.

  • Set assignment work duration.

  • Get new assignments for the current user.

  • Get assignment or task transaction history, timephased actuals, or the summary task hierarchy.

  • Preview or import timesheet data and read a user's working and nonworking schedule.

  • Update statusing data (timephased work data for assignments) for an application user or for another user, where impersonation is not required.

  • Find pending status updates, information for submitted updates, or a transaction record of changes in a submitted update.

  • Read team status.

Statusing methods typically use or return one of the following DataSet objects:


  Class Description
Public class AssnHistoryDataSet Represents assignment history information in AssnHistoryDataSet.CustomFieldsDataTable objects and AssnHistoryDataSet.CustomFieldsRow objects.
Public class AssnHistoryDataSet.CustomFieldsDataTable Represents information about assignment history custom fields that is contained in one or more AssnHistoryDataSet.CustomFieldsRow objects.
Public class AssnHistoryDataSet.CustomFieldsRow Represents assignment history custom fields information as a row in the AssnHistoryDataSet.CustomFieldsDataTable object.
Public class AssnHistoryDataSet.CustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a CustomFieldsRow is changed.
Public class AssnHistoryDataSet.HistoryDataTable Represents information about assignment history that is contained in one or more AssnHistoryDataSet.HistoryRow objects.
Public class AssnHistoryDataSet.HistoryRow Represents assignment history information as a row in the AssnHistoryDataSet.HistoryDataTable object.
Public class AssnHistoryDataSet.HistoryRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a HistoryRow is changed.
Public class DelegationDataSet Contains statusing information about delagate assignments.
Public class DelegationDataSet.DelegatableAssignmentsDataTable Represents information about delegatable assignments that is contained in one or more DelegationDataSet.DelegatableAssignmentsRow objects.
Public class DelegationDataSet.DelegatableAssignmentsRow Specifies one row of assignment data.
Public class DelegationDataSet.DelegatableAssignmentsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a DelegatableAssignmentsRow is changed.
Public class DelegationDataSet.TeamMembersDataTable Represents information about team members who are associated with delegatable tasks, that is contained in one or more DelegationDataSet.TeamMembersRow objects.
Public class DelegationDataSet.TeamMembersRow Represents information about team members who are associated with delegatable tasks, as a row in the DelegationDataSet.TeamMembersDataTable object.
Public class DelegationDataSet.TeamMembersRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a TeamMembersRow is changed.
Public class ImportTimesheetDataSet Represents information about imported timesheets in ImportTimesheetDataSet.LinesDataTable objects and ImportTimesheetDataSet.LinesRow objects.
Public class ImportTimesheetDataSet.LinesDataTable Represents information about imported timesheets that is contained in one or more ImportTimesheetDataSet.LinesRow objects.
Public class ImportTimesheetDataSet.LinesRow Represents imported timesheet lines information as a row in the ImportTimesheetDataSet.LinesDataTable object.
Public class ImportTimesheetDataSet.LinesRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a LinesRow is changed.
Public class ProjectDataSet Represents project status information.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentCustomFieldsDataTable Represents information about project status custom fields that is contained in one or more ProjectDataSet.AssignmentCustomFieldsRow objects.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentCustomFieldsRow Represents a custom field value for a specific ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRow row.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a AssignmentCustomFieldsRow is changed.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentDataTable Represents information about project assignment status that is contained in one or more ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRow objects.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRow Represents the relationship between a single resource and a single task within a project.
Public class ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in an AssignmentRow is changed.
Public class ProjectDataSet.DependencyDataTable Represents information about project dependency status that is contained in one or more ProjectDataSet.DependencyRow objects.
Public class ProjectDataSet.DependencyRow Represents the dependency relationship between one task and another.
Public class ProjectDataSet.DependencyRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a DependencyRow is changed.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsDataTable Represents information about project custom fields that is contained in one or more ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRow objects.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRow Represents a custom field value for a specific ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow row.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a ProjectCustomFieldsRow is changed.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectDataTable Represents information about project status that is contained in one or more ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow objects.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceCustomFieldsDataTable Represents information about resource custom fields that is contained in one or more ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceCustomFieldsRow objects.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceCustomFieldsRow Represents a custom field value that is related to a particular ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow object.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a ProjectResourceCustomFieldsRow is changed.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceDataTable Represents information about project resource status that is contained in one or more ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow objects.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow Represents a local project resource or enterprise resource that can be used on this project.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a ProjectResourceRow is changed.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow Contains the properties of one project in a ProjectDataTable row.
Public class ProjectDataSet.ProjectRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a ProjectRow is changed.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsDataTable Represents information about the status of task custom fields that is contained in one or more ProjectDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRow objects.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRow Represents a custom field value that is related to a particular ProjectDataSet.TaskRow object.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a TaskCustomFieldsRow is changed.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskDataTable Represents information about project task status that is contained in one or more ProjectDataSet.TaskRow objects.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskRow Defines the properties, methods, and events of one task in a TaskDataTable.
Public class ProjectDataSet.TaskRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a TaskRow is changed.
Public class ScheduleDataSet Represents information about project schedule status.
Public class ScheduleDataSet.ScheduleDataTable Represents information about project schedule status that is contained in one or more ScheduleDataSet.ScheduleRow objects.
Public class ScheduleDataSet.ScheduleRow Represents project schedule status information as a row in the ScheduleDataSet.ScheduleDataTable object.
Public class ScheduleDataSet.ScheduleRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a ScheduleRow is changed.
Public class StatusApprovalDataSet Represents approval status information in StatusApprovalDataSet.StatusApprovalsDataTable objects and StatusApprovalDataSet.StatusApprovalsRow objects.
Public class StatusApprovalDataSet.StatusApprovalsDataTable Represents information about project approval status that is contained in one or more StatusApprovalDataSet.StatusApprovalsRow objects.
Public class StatusApprovalDataSet.StatusApprovalsRow Specifies a row of status approval information.
Public class StatusApprovalDataSet.StatusApprovalsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a StatusApprovalsRow is changed.
Public class StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataSet Represents information about status approval transaction details in StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataSet.StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataTable objects and StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataSet.StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsRow objects.
Public class StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataSet.StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataTable Represents information about status approval transaction details that is contained in one or more StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataSet.StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsRow objects.
Public class StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataSet.StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsRow Represents approval status transaction details information as a row in the StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataSet.StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataTable object.
Public class StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataSet.StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsRow is changed.
Public class Statusing Includes methods for managing status updates and assignments in Project Server.
Public class StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet Represents status information about assignment dependencies in StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PreDependenciesDataTable objects and StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PostDependenciesDataTable objects and their associated row classes.
Public class StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PostDependenciesDataTable Represents status information about assignment post-dependencies that is contained in one or more StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PostDependenciesRow objects.
Public class StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PostDependenciesRow Represents status information about assignment post-dependencies as a row in the StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PostDependenciesDataTable object.
Public class StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PostDependenciesRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a PostDependenciesRow is changed.
Public class StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PreDependenciesDataTable Represents status information about assignment pre-dependencies that is contained in one or more StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PreDependenciesRow objects.
Public class StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PreDependenciesRow Represents status information about assignment pre-dependencies as a row in the StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PreDependenciesDataTable object.
Public class StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PreDependenciesRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a PreDependenciesRow is changed.
Public class StatusingAssignmentsDataSet Represents status information about assignments.
Public class StatusingAssignmentsDataSet.AssignmentsDataTable Represents status information about assignments that is contained in one or more StatusingAssignmentsDataSet.AssignmentsRow objects.
Public class StatusingAssignmentsDataSet.AssignmentsRow Specifies one row of assignment data.
Public class StatusingAssignmentsDataSet.AssignmentsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in an AssignmentsRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet Represents project status information through properties returning data table objects representing more detailed status information.
Public class StatusingDataSet.AssignmentsDataTable Represents information about assignments status that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.AssignmentsRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.AssignmentsRow Specifies one row of assignment data.
Public class StatusingDataSet.AssignmentsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a AssignmentsRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsDataTable Represents status information about assignment custom fields that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsRow Specifies one row of custom field data that is associated with the status of assignments.
Public class StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a AssnCustomFieldsRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.CalendarsDataTable Represents status information about calendars that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.CalendarsRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.CalendarsRow Contains information about one enterprise calendar in the StatusingDataSet.CalendarsDataTable object.
Public class StatusingDataSet.CalendarsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a CalendarsRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldAccessInfoDataTable Represents status information about enterprise custom field access that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldAccessInfoRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldAccessInfoRow Not used in Project Server 2010. Represents status information about enterprise custom field access as a row in the StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldAccessInfoDataTable object.
Public class StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldAccessInfoRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a EnterpriseCustomFieldAccessInfoRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldMetadataDataTable Represents status information about enterprise custom field metadata that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldMetadataRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldMetadataRow Specifies one row of statusing data for an enterprise custom field.
Public class StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldMetadataRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a EnterpriseCustomFieldMetadataRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseLookupTableFullValuesDataTable Represents status information about enterprise lookup values that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseLookupTableFullValuesRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseLookupTableFullValuesRow Represents status information about enterprise lookup values as a row in the StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseLookupTableFullValuesDataTable object.
Public class StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseLookupTableFullValuesRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in an EnterpriseLookupTableFullValuesRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.GroupedFieldAccessInfoDataTable Not used in Project Server 2010. Represents status information about grouped field access that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.GroupedFieldAccessInfoRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.GroupedFieldAccessInfoRow Not used in Project Server 2010. Represents status information about grouped field access as a row in the StatusingDataSet.GroupedFieldAccessInfoDataTable object.
Public class StatusingDataSet.GroupedFieldAccessInfoRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a GroupedFieldAccessInfoRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.LocalBaseCalendarsDataTable Represents status information about local base calendars that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.LocalBaseCalendarsRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.LocalBaseCalendarsRow Contains information about one local base calendar in the StatusingDataSet.LocalBaseCalendarsDataTable object.
Public class StatusingDataSet.LocalBaseCalendarsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a LocalBaseCalendarsRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.LocalCustomFieldMetadataDataTable Represents status information about local custom field metatdata that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.LocalCustomFieldMetadataRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.LocalCustomFieldMetadataRow Represents one row of statusing data for a local custom field.
Public class StatusingDataSet.LocalCustomFieldMetadataRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a LocalCustomFieldMetadataRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.LocalLookupTableFullValuesDataTable Represents status information about local lookup values that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.LocalLookupTableFullValuesRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.LocalLookupTableFullValuesRow Represents status information about local lookup values as a row in the StatusingDataSet.LocalLookupTableFullValuesDataTable object.
Public class StatusingDataSet.LocalLookupTableFullValuesRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a LocalLookupTableFullValuesRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.ProjectsDataTable Represents status information about projects that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.ProjectsRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.ProjectsRow Contains information for one project in the ProjectsDataTable.
Public class StatusingDataSet.ProjectsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a ProjectsRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.ResourceCustomFieldsDataTable Represents status information about resource custom fields that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.ResourceCustomFieldsRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.ResourceCustomFieldsRow Specifies one row of status information for a resource custom field.
Public class StatusingDataSet.ResourceCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a ResourceCustomFieldsRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.ResourcesDataTable Represents status information about resources that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.ResourcesRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.ResourcesRow Specifies one row of resource data.
Public class StatusingDataSet.ResourcesRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a ResourcesRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsDataTable Represents status information about task custom fields that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRow Specifies a single row of custom field data that relates to task status.
Public class StatusingDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a TaskCustomFieldsRow is changed.
Public class StatusingDataSet.TasksDataTable Represents status information about tasks that is contained in one or more StatusingDataSet.TasksRow objects.
Public class StatusingDataSet.TasksRow Specifies one row of task status data.
Public class StatusingDataSet.TasksRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a TasksRow is changed.
Public class StatusingTimephasedActualsDataSet Represents actual timephase status information; its properties return data table objects that represent more detailed status information.
Public class StatusingTimephasedActualsDataSet.AssignmentTimephasedDataDataTable Represents status information about timephased assignments that is contained in one or more StatusingTimephasedActualsDataSet.AssignmentTimephasedDataRow objects.
Public class StatusingTimephasedActualsDataSet.AssignmentTimephasedDataRow Represents status information about timephased assignments as a row in the StatusingTimephasedActualsDataSet.AssignmentTimephasedDataDataTable object.
Public class StatusingTimephasedActualsDataSet.AssignmentTimephasedDataRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a AssignmentTimephasedDataRow is changed.
Public class StatusTransactionDataSet Represents transaction status information; its properties return data table objects that represent more detailed status information.
Public class StatusTransactionDataSet.StatusTransactionsDataTable Represents status information about transactions that is contained in one or more StatusTransactionDataSet.StatusTransactionsRow objects.
Public class StatusTransactionDataSet.StatusTransactionsRow Specifies one row of status transaction data.
Public class StatusTransactionDataSet.StatusTransactionsRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a StatusTransactionsRow is changed.
Public class SummaryTaskPathDataSet Represents summary task path status information; its properties return data table objects that represent more detailed status information.
Public class SummaryTaskPathDataSet.SummaryTaskPathDataTable Represents status information about summary task paths that is contained in one or more SummaryTaskPathDataSet.SummaryTaskPathRow objects.
Public class SummaryTaskPathDataSet.SummaryTaskPathRow Represents status information about summary task paths as a row in the SummaryTaskPathDataSet.SummaryTaskPathDataTable object.
Public class SummaryTaskPathDataSet.SummaryTaskPathRowChangeEvent Event that occurs when data in a SummaryTaskPathRow is changed.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate AssnHistoryDataSet.CustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a AssnHistoryDataSet.CustomFieldsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate AssnHistoryDataSet.HistoryRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a AssnHistoryDataSet.HistoryRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate DelegationDataSet.DelegatableAssignmentsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a DelegationDataSet.DelegatableAssignmentsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate DelegationDataSet.TeamMembersRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a DelegationDataSet.TeamMembersRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ImportTimesheetDataSet.LinesRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ImportTimesheetDataSet.LinesRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.AssignmentCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ProjectDataSet.AssignmentCustomFieldsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ProjectDataSet.AssignmentRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.DependencyRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ProjectDataSet.DependencyRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ProjectDataSet.ProjectCustomFieldsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceCustomFieldsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ProjectDataSet.ProjectResourceRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.ProjectRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ProjectDataSet.ProjectRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ProjectDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ProjectDataSet.TaskRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ProjectDataSet.TaskRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate ScheduleDataSet.ScheduleRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a ScheduleDataSet.ScheduleRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusApprovalDataSet.StatusApprovalsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusApprovalDataSet.StatusApprovalsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataSet.StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsDataSet.StatusApprovalTransactionDetailsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PostDependenciesRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PostDependenciesRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PreDependenciesRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingAssignmentDependenciesDataSet.PreDependenciesRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingAssignmentsDataSet.AssignmentsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingAssignmentsDataSet.AssignmentsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.AssignmentsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.AssignmentsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with aStatusingDataSet.AssnCustomFieldsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.CalendarsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.CalendarsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldAccessInfoRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldAccessInfoRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldMetadataRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseCustomFieldMetadataRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseLookupTableFullValuesRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.EnterpriseLookupTableFullValuesRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.GroupedFieldAccessInfoRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.GroupedFieldAccessInfoRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.LocalBaseCalendarsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.LocalBaseCalendarsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.LocalCustomFieldMetadataRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.LocalCustomFieldMetadataRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.LocalLookupTableFullValuesRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.LocalLookupTableFullValuesRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.ProjectsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.ProjectsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.ResourceCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.ResourceCustomFieldsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.ResourcesRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.ResourcesRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.TaskCustomFieldsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingDataSet.TasksRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingDataSet.TasksRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusingTimephasedActualsDataSet.AssignmentTimephasedDataRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusingTimephasedActualsDataSet.AssignmentTimephasedDataRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate StatusTransactionDataSet.StatusTransactionsRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a StatusTransactionDataSet.StatusTransactionsRow is edited and an event should be triggered.
Public delegate SummaryTaskPathDataSet.SummaryTaskPathRowChangeEventHandler Describes event handler settings for when data associated with a SummaryTaskPathDataSet.SummaryTaskPathRow is edited and an event should be triggered.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AssnHistoryItemType Specifies the assignment history item type.
Public enumeration DelegationFilterType Selects assignments that can be delegated.

See Also


Other Resources

ADO.NET DataSets