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ProjectDataSet.TaskRow Members

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Defines the properties, methods, and events of one task in a TaskDataTable.

The ProjectDataSet.TaskRow type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AddAfterTaskUID Adds the task after the specified task GUID.
Public property AddPosition Specifies the position in a project to add the task.
Public property CREATED_DATE The date when the task was created.
Public property DurationType Deprecated. Use TASK_DUR_FMT to set the desired duration display format.
Public property HasErrors (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[Int32] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[String] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[DataColumn] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[Int32, DataRowVersion] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[String, DataRowVersion] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property Item[DataColumn, DataRowVersion] (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property ItemArray (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property MOD_DATE The date when the task was last saved to the project.
Public property PROJ_NAME A copy of the project name.
Public property PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS To be deprecated in the TaskDataTable. The number of digits displayed to the right of the decimal when currency values are displayed.
Public property PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION To be deprecated in the TaskDataTable. Specifies the placement of the currency symbol in relation to the currency value.
Public property PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL To be deprecated in the TaskDataTable. The symbol used to represent the type of currency that is used in the project.
Public property PROJ_TYPE The Project.ProjectType of the project to which the task belongs.
Public property PROJ_UID Specifies GUID of the project to which the task belongs.
Public property RowError (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property RowState (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property StatusManager Gets or sets the GUID of the manager for the task status.
Public property Table (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public property TASK_ACT_COST Specifies the total current actual cost incurred for the task.
Public property TASK_ACT_DUR Specifies the span of actual working time for the task so far, based on the scheduled duration and current remaining work or percentage of work complete.
Public property TASK_ACT_FINISH Specifies the date and time that the task actually completed.
Public property TASK_ACT_OVT_COST Specifies the costs that are incurred for overtime work that has been performed on a task by all assigned resources.
Public property TASK_ACT_OVT_WORK Specifies the actual amount of overtime work that has been performed by all resources assigned to the task.
Public property TASK_ACT_START Specifies the date and time when the task actually began.
Public property TASK_ACT_WORK Specifies the amount of work that has been done by the resources that are assigned to the task.
Public property TASK_ACWP Actual cost of work performed is the costs that is incurred for work done on the task, up to the project status date or today's date.
Public property TASK_BCWP Specifies the budgeted cost of work performed; it is also known as earned value.
Public property TASK_BCWS Budgeted cost for work scheduled is the cumulative timephased baseline costs up to the status date or today's date.
Public property TASK_BUDGET_COST Specifies the total budget cost for the task.
Public property TASK_BUDGET_WORK The total budget work for the task.
Public property TASK_CAL_UID Sets the GUID of the task base calendar when creating a project; gets the task calendar GUID after the project is created.
Public property TASK_COMPLETE_THROUGH Gets the date that specifies when the task was completed.
Public property TASK_CONSTRAINT_DATE Specifies the constrained start or finish date, depending on the value of TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPE.
Public property TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPE Indicates the type of scheduling constraint to use, with a short integer of Task.ConstraintType.
Public property TASK_CONTACT Specifies the name of person responsible for the task.
Public property TASK_COST Specifies the current projected cost of the task.
Public property TASK_COST_VAR Specifies the difference between the baseline cost and total cost for the task.
Public property TASK_CPI The Cost Performance Index CPI is the ratio of BCWP (budgeted cost of work performed) to ACWP (actual cost of work performed).
Public property TASK_CV The task cost variance.
Public property TASK_DEADLINE The date that is entered as the deadline for the task.
Public property TASK_DUR The duration of the task.
Public property TASK_DUR_FMT The task duration format indicates the display format of the duration value, and whether the duration is considered an estimate rather than a firm value.
Public property TASK_DUR_IS_EST Indicates whether TASK_DUR_FMT is an estimate.
Public property TASK_DUR_TXT Gets or sets a text representation of the task duration, for manually scheduled tasks.
Public property TASK_DUR_VAR Duration variance is the difference between the planned duration and the current duration of the task.
Public property TASK_EAC Estimate at completion is the total scheduled or projected cost for the task based on costs already incurred, in addition to the costs planned for remaining work.
Public property TASK_EARLY_FINISH Specifies the earliest possible date on which the task can finish.
Public property TASK_EARLY_START Specifies the earliest possible date the task can start.
Public property TASK_EVMETHOD The earned value method indicates the method to use when calculating earned value.
Public property TASK_EXT_PROJ_UID Specifies the Unique ID of the external project represented by this task.
Public property TASK_FINISH_DATE The date when this task is scheduled to be completed.
Public property TASK_FINISH_SLACK The finish slack duration is the duration between the TASK_EARLY_FINISH and TASK_LATE_FINISH dates.
Public property TASK_FINISH_TXT Gets or sets a text representation of the task finish date, for manually scheduled tasks.
Public property TASK_FINISH_VAR The task finish variance is the difference between task finish date and the baseline finish date.
Public property TASK_FIXED_COST The fixed cost of the task includes any non-resource task expense.
Public property TASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUAL Indicates how fixed costs are to be accrued in a task.
Public property TASK_FREE_SLACK The task free slack duration is the amount of time that the task can be delayed without delaying any successor tasks.
Public property TASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS Specifies whether the task has OLE linked fields.
Public property TASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS The task hyperlink address is the URI for the hyperlink associated with this task.
Public property TASK_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME Specifies the display text for the hyperlink associated with this task.
Public property TASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS Hyperlink anchor.
Public property TASK_ID Specifies an ordinal indicator of where the task is displayed in the list of tasks.
Public property TASK_IGNORES_RES_CAL Indicates whether the resource calendar should be ignored when scheduling this task.
Public property TASK_IS_ACTIVE Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the task is active (true) or inactive (false).
Public property TASK_IS_CRITICAL Specifies whether slack is associated with this task.
Public property TASK_IS_DISPSUMMARY Reserved for future use.
Public property TASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN Indicates whether scheduling for the task is effort-driven.
Public property TASK_IS_EXTERNAL Indicates whether the task is from another project or whether it originated in the current project.
Public property TASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJ Indicates whether the task represents an inserted project that is marked as Schedule-from-Finish (SF).
Public property TASK_IS_MANUAL Gets or sets the Boolean value that specifies whether the task is scheduled manually or automatically. True if manually scheduled.
Public property TASK_IS_MARKED Task is marked indicates whether the task is tagged as having special meaning to the user.
Public property TASK_IS_MILESTONE Indicates whether the task is a milestone.
Public property TASK_IS_NULL Specifies whether the task has no values set.
Public property TASK_IS_OVERALLOCATED Indicates whether an assigned resource on the task has been assigned to more work on the task than can be done within the normal working capacity.
Public property TASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJ Specifies whether the task is a subproject that is set to read-only.
Public property TASK_IS_RECURRING Task is recurring indicates whether the task is part of a series of recurring tasks.
Public property TASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARY Indicates whether the task is a part of a series of recurring tasks.
Public property TASK_IS_ROLLED_UP Indicates whether the information on the subtask Gantt bars is rolled up to the summary task bar.
Public property TASK_IS_SUBPROJ Indicates whether the task represents a subproject.
Public property TASK_IS_SUMMARY Indicates whether the task is a summary task.
Public property TASK_LATE_FINISH Contains the latest date that the task can finish without delaying the finish of the project.
Public property TASK_LATE_START Contains the latest date that the task can start without delaying the finish of the project.
Public property TASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSN Indicates whether the leveling function can delay and split individual assignments (rather than the entire task) to resolve over-allocations.
Public property TASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLIT Indicates whether the resource leveling function can cause splits on remaining work on this task.
Public property TASK_LEVELING_DELAY Contains the amount of time that the task or assignment is to be delayed from its early start date as a result of resource leveling.
Public property TASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMT Indicates the desired display format of the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY value, and whether the duration is considered only an estimate rather than a firm value.
Public property TASK_LOCKDOWN_BY_MANAGER Indicates whether the task has been locked from changes.
Public property TASK_NAME Specifies the display title of the task.
Public property TASK_NOTES Contains the text value of user-entered notes for the task.
Public property TASK_OUTLINE_LEVEL Indicates the level of a task by number (such as 1, 2, or 3) in the project outline hierarchy.
Public property TASK_OUTLINE_NUM Represents the task’s position by number (such as 1, 1.1, or 1.2.1) in the hierarchical outline structure.
Public property TASK_OVT_COST Contains the sum of TASK_ACT_OVT_COST and TASK_REM_OVT_COST.
Public property TASK_OVT_WORK Specifies the total amount of overtime work on a task.
Public property TASK_PARENT_UID Contains the unique ID of the parent summary task.
Public property TASK_PCT_COMP Specifies the percentage of elapsed duration compared with the remaining duration.
Public property TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP Contains the percentage of work actually elapsed compared with the amount of work remaining to be done.
Public property TASK_PHY_PCT_COMP Contains the physical percent of work completed on the task.
Public property TASK_PRELEVELED_FINISH Contains the finish date of the task before resource leveling.
Public property TASK_PRELEVELED_START Contains the start date of the task before resource leveling.
Public property TASK_PRIORITY Contains the level of importance that is given to the task, which indicates how readily the task or assignment can be delayed or split during resource leveling.
Public property TASK_REG_WORK Contains the total amount of non-overtime work that is scheduled to be performed by resources.
Public property TASK_REM_COST Contains the remaining cost to complete the task.
Public property TASK_REM_DUR Contains amount of time required to complete the unfinished portion of the task.
Public property TASK_REM_OVT_COST Contains the remaining overtime cost to complete the task.
Public property TASK_REM_OVT_WORK Contains the sum of all remaining overtime work values for all the resources that are assigned to the task.
Public property TASK_REM_WORK Task remaining work contains the amount of time required to complete the task.
Public property TASK_RESUME_DATE Contains the date when the remaining portion of a task is scheduled to resume after you enter any progress.
Public property TASK_SCHED_DUR Gets the duration of the task as calculated by the Project Server scheduling engine.
Public property TASK_SCHED_DUR_FMT Task scheduled duration format indicates the display format of the TASK_SCHED_DUR value, and whether the scheduled duration is considered an estimate rather than a firm value.
Public property TASK_SCHED_FINISH Gets the date and time the task is scheduled to be completed, as calculated by the Project Server scheduling engine.
Public property TASK_SCHED_START Gets the date and time the task is scheduled to start, as calculated by the Project Server scheduling engine.
Public property TASK_SPI Task schedule performance index is the ratio of the budgeted cost of work performed to the budgeted cost of work scheduled.
Public property TASK_START_DATE Contains the starting date of the task.
Public property TASK_START_SLACK Specifies the amount of time that the start date for the specified task can be delayed without delaying the project.
Public property TASK_START_TXT Gets or sets a text representation of the task start date, for manually scheduled tasks.
Public property TASK_START_VAR Task start variance is the difference between the baseline start date (TB_START ) and the actual start date (TASK_START_DATE).
Public property TASK_STOP_DATE Represents the end of the actual portion of the task.
Public property TASK_SV Contains the cost difference between the current progress and the baseline plan of the task.
Public property TASK_TCPI Task to complete performance index is the ratio of remaining available budget to remaining scheduled cost as of the status date.
Public property TASK_TOTAL_SLACK Task total slack duration is the amount of time the finish date of the task can be delayed without delaying the project finish date.
Public property TASK_TYPE Specifies the task type can be fixed units, fixed duration, or fixed work.
Public property TASK_UID Specifies the GUID of the task.
Public property TASK_VAC Task variance at completion is the difference between the TB_COST (Budget At Completion) or baseline cost and TASK_EAC (Estimate At Completion).
Public property TASK_WBS Task work breakdown structure code is a read-only alphanumeric code that can indicate the relationships between tasks.
Public property TASK_WORK Specifies the total amount of time scheduled on the task for all assigned resources.
Public property TASK_WORK_VAR Task work variance is the difference between baseline work of the task and the currently scheduled work.
Public property TaskCVP Task cost variance percentage.
Public property TaskSVP Task schedule variance percentage.
Public property TB_COST The baseline cost is the total planned cost for the task as of a status date.
Public property TB_DUR Task baseline duration is the original span of time planned to complete the task.
Public property TB_DUR_FMT Task baseline duration format indicates the display format of the baseline duration value, and whether the baseline duration is considered only an estimate rather than a firm value.
Public property TB_FINISH Task baseline finish is the planned completion date for the task at the time you saved a baseline.
Public property TB_START Baseline start is the planned beginning date for the task at the time you saved a baseline.
Public property TB_WORK Baseline work is the originally planned amount of work to be performed by all resources assigned to the task.
Public property WOBJ_DOC_REF_CNT This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property WOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNT This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property WOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNT This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public property WOBJ_RISK_REF_CNT This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.



  Name Description
Public method AcceptChanges (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method BeginEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method CancelEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method ClearErrors (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method Delete (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method EndEdit (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetChildRows(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetChildRows(DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetChildRows(String, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetChildRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnError(Int32) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnError(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnError(DataColumn) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetColumnsInError (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetParentRow(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRow(DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRow(String, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRow(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(String, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetParentRows(DataRelation, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HasVersion (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsAddAfterTaskUIDNull Determines whether the AddAfterTaskUID property is set to a null value.
Public method IsAddPositionNull Determines whether the AddPosition property is set to a null value.
Public method IsCREATED_DATENull Determines whether the CREATED_DATE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsDurationTypeNull Determines whether the DurationType property is set to a null value.
Public method IsMOD_DATENull Determines whether the MOD_DATE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsNull(Int32) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsNull(String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsNull(DataColumn) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsNull(DataColumn, DataRowVersion) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method IsPROJ_NAMENull Determines whether the PROJ_NAME property is set to a null value.
Public method IsPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITSNull Determines whether the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS property is set to a null value.
Public method IsPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITIONNull Determines whether the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION property is set to a null value.
Public method IsPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOLNull Determines whether the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL property is set to a null value.
Public method IsPROJ_TYPENull Determines whether the PROJ_TYPE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsStatusManagerNull Determines whether the StatusManager property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_ACT_COSTNull Determines whether the TASK_ACT_COST property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_ACT_DURNull Determines whether the TASK_ACT_DUR property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_ACT_FINISHNull Determines whether the TASK_ACT_FINISH property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_ACT_OVT_COSTNull Determines whether the TASK_ACT_OVT_COST property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_ACT_OVT_WORKNull Determines whether the TASK_ACT_OVT_WORK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_ACT_STARTNull Determines whether the TASK_ACT_START property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_ACT_WORKNull Determines whether the TASK_ACT_WORK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_ACWPNull Determines whether the TASK_ACWP property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_BCWPNull Determines whether the TASK_BCWP property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_BCWSNull Determines whether the TASK_BCWS property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_BUDGET_COSTNull Determines whether the TASK_BUDGET_COST property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_BUDGET_WORKNull Determines whether the TASK_BUDGET_WORK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_CAL_UIDNull Determines whether the TASK_CAL_UID property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_COMPLETE_THROUGHNull Determines whether the TASK_COMPLETE_THROUGH property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_CONSTRAINT_DATENull Determines whether the TASK_CONSTRAINT_DATE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPENull Determines whether the TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_CONTACTNull Determines whether the TASK_CONTACT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_COST_VARNull Determines whether the TASK_COST_VAR property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_COSTNull Determines whether the TASK_COST property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_CPINull Determines whether the TASK_CPI property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_CVNull Determines whether the TASK_CV property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_DEADLINENull Determines whether the TASK_DEADLINE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_DUR_FMTNull Determines whether the TASK_DUR_FMT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_DUR_IS_ESTNull Determines whether the TASK_DUR_IS_EST property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_DUR_TXTNull Determines whether the TASK_DUR_TXT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_DUR_VARNull Determines whether the TASK_DUR_VAR property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_DURNull Determines whether the TASK_DUR property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_EACNull Determines whether the TASK_EAC property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_EARLY_FINISHNull Determines whether the TASK_EARLY_FINISH property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_EARLY_STARTNull Determines whether the TASK_EARLY_START property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_EVMETHODNull Determines whether the TASK_EVMETHOD property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_EXT_PROJ_UIDNull Determines whether the TASK_EXT_PROJ_UID property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_FINISH_DATENull Determines whether the TASK_FINISH_DATE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_FINISH_SLACKNull Determines whether the TASK_FINISH_SLACK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_FINISH_TXTNull Determines whether the TASK_FINISH_TXT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_FINISH_VARNull Determines whether the TASK_FINISH_VAR property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUALNull Determines whether the TASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUAL property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_FIXED_COSTNull Determines whether the TASK_FIXED_COST property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_FREE_SLACKNull Determines whether the TASK_FREE_SLACK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDSNull Determines whether the TASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESSNull Determines whether the TASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAMENull Determines whether the TASK_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSNull Determines whether the TASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IDNull Determines whether the TASK_ID property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IGNORES_RES_CALNull Determines whether the TASK_IGNORES_RES_CAL property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_ACTIVENull Determines whether the TASK_IS_ACTIVE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_CRITICALNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_CRITICAL property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_DISPSUMMARYNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_DISPSUMMARY property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVENNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_EXTERNALNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_EXTERNAL property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJ property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_MANUALNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_MANUAL property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_MARKEDNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_MARKED property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_MILESTONENull Determines whether the TASK_IS_MILESTONE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_NULLNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_NULL property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_OVERALLOCATEDNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_OVERALLOCATED property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJ property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARYNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARY property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_RECURRINGNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_RECURRING property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_ROLLED_UPNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_ROLLED_UP property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_SUBPROJNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_SUBPROJ property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_IS_SUMMARYNull Determines whether the TASK_IS_SUMMARY property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_LATE_FINISHNull Determines whether the TASK_LATE_FINISH property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_LATE_STARTNull Determines whether the TASK_LATE_START property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSNNull Determines whether the TASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSN property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLITNull Determines whether the TASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLIT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMTNull Determines whether the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_LEVELING_DELAYNull Determines whether the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_NAMENull Determines whether the TASK_NAME property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_NOTESNull Determines whether the TASK_NOTES property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_OUTLINE_LEVELNull Determines whether the TASK_OUTLINE_LEVEL property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_OUTLINE_NUMNull Determines whether the TASK_OUTLINE_NUM property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_OVT_COSTNull Determines whether the TASK_OVT_COST property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_OVT_WORKNull Determines whether the TASK_OVT_WORK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_PARENT_UIDNull Determines whether the TASK_PARENT_UID property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_PCT_COMPNull Determines whether the TASK_PCT_COMP property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_PCT_WORK_COMPNull Determines whether the TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_PHY_PCT_COMPNull Determines whether the TASK_PHY_PCT_COMP property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_PRELEVELED_FINISHNull Determines whether the TASK_PRELEVELED_FINISH property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_PRELEVELED_STARTNull Determines whether the TASK_PRELEVELED_START property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_PRIORITYNull Determines whether the TASK_PRIORITY property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_REG_WORKNull Determines whether the TASK_REG_WORK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_REM_COSTNull Determines whether the TASK_REM_COST property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_REM_DURNull Determines whether the TASK_REM_DUR property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_REM_OVT_COSTNull Determines whether the TASK_REM_OVT_COST property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_REM_OVT_WORKNull Determines whether the TASK_REM_OVT_WORK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_REM_WORKNull Determines whether the TASK_REM_WORK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_RESUME_DATENull Determines whether the TASK_RESUME_DATE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_SCHED_DUR_FMTNull Determines whether the TASK_SCHED_DUR_FMT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_SCHED_DURNull Determines whether the TASK_SCHED_DUR property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_SCHED_FINISHNull Determines whether the TASK_SCHED_FINISH property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_SCHED_STARTNull Determines whether the TASK_SCHED_START property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_SPINull Determines whether the TASK_SPI property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_START_DATENull Determines whether the TASK_START_DATE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_START_SLACKNull Determines whether the TASK_START_SLACK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_START_TXTNull Determines whether the TASK_START_TXT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_START_VARNull Determines whether the TASK_START_VAR property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_STOP_DATENull Determines whether the TASK_STOP_DATE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_SVNull Determines whether the TASK_SV property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_TCPINull Determines whether the TASK_TCPI property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_TOTAL_SLACKNull Determines whether the TASK_TOTAL_SLACK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_TYPENull Determines whether the TASK_TYPE property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_VACNull Determines whether the TASK_VAC property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_WBSNull Determines whether the TASK_WBS property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_WORK_VARNull Determines whether the TASK_WORK_VAR property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTASK_WORKNull Determines whether the TASK_WORK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTaskCVPNull Determines whether the TaskCVP property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTaskSVPNull Determines whether the TaskSVP property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTB_COSTNull Determines whether the TB_COST property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTB_DUR_FMTNull Determines whether the TB_DUR_FMT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTB_DURNull Determines whether the TB_DUR property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTB_FINISHNull Determines whether the TB_FINISH property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTB_STARTNull Determines whether the TB_START property is set to a null value.
Public method IsTB_WORKNull Determines whether the TB_WORK property is set to a null value.
Public method IsWOBJ_DOC_REF_CNTNull Determines whether the WOBJ_DOC_REF_CNT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsWOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNTNull Determines whether the WOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsWOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNTNull Determines whether the WOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNT property is set to a null value.
Public method IsWOBJ_RISK_REF_CNTNull Determines whether the WOBJ_RISK_REF_CNT property is set to a null value.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method RejectChanges (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetAddAfterTaskUIDNull Sets the AddAfterTaskUID property to a null value.
Public method SetAdded (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetAddPositionNull Sets the AddPosition property to a null value.
Public method SetColumnError(Int32, String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetColumnError(String, String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetColumnError(DataColumn, String) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetCREATED_DATENull Sets the CREATED_DATE property to a null value.
Public method SetDurationTypeNull Sets the DurationType property to a null value.
Public method SetMOD_DATENull Sets the MOD_DATE property to a null value.
Public method SetModified (Inherited from DataRow.)
Protected method SetNull (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetParentRow(DataRow) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetParentRow(DataRow, DataRelation) (Inherited from DataRow.)
Public method SetPROJ_NAMENull Sets the PROJ_NAME property to a null value.
Public method SetPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITSNull Sets the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_DIGITS property to a null value.
Public method SetPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITIONNull Sets the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_POSITION property to a null value.
Public method SetPROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOLNull Sets the PROJ_OPT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL property to a null value.
Public method SetPROJ_TYPENull Sets the PROJ_TYPE property to a null value.
Public method SetStatusManagerNull Sets the StatusManager property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_ACT_COSTNull Sets the TASK_ACT_COST property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_ACT_DURNull Sets the TASK_ACT_DUR property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_ACT_FINISHNull Sets the TASK_ACT_FINISH property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_ACT_OVT_COSTNull Sets the TASK_ACT_OVT_COST property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_ACT_OVT_WORKNull Sets the TASK_ACT_OVT_WORK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_ACT_STARTNull Sets the TASK_ACT_START property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_ACT_WORKNull Sets the TASK_ACT_WORK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_ACWPNull Sets the TASK_ACWP property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_BCWPNull Sets the TASK_BCWP property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_BCWSNull Sets the TASK_BCWS property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_BUDGET_COSTNull Sets the TASK_BUDGET_COST property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_BUDGET_WORKNull Sets the TASK_BUDGET_WORK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_CAL_UIDNull Sets the TASK_CAL_UID property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_COMPLETE_THROUGHNull Sets the TASK_COMPLETE_THROUGH property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_CONSTRAINT_DATENull Sets the TASK_CONSTRAINT_DATE property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPENull Sets the TASK_CONSTRAINT_TYPE property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_CONTACTNull Sets the TASK_CONTACT property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_COST_VARNull Sets the TASK_COST_VAR property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_COSTNull Sets the TASK_COST property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_CPINull Sets the TASK_CPI property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_CVNull Sets the TASK_CV property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_DEADLINENull Sets the TASK_DEADLINE property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_DUR_FMTNull Sets the TASK_DUR_FMT property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_DUR_IS_ESTNull Sets the TASK_DUR_IS_EST property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_DUR_TXTNull Sets the TASK_DUR_TXT property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_DUR_VARNull Sets the TASK_DUR_VAR property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_DURNull Sets the TASK_DUR property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_EACNull Sets the TASK_EAC property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_EARLY_FINISHNull Sets the TASK_EARLY_FINISH property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_EARLY_STARTNull Sets the TASK_EARLY_START property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_EVMETHODNull Sets the TASK_EVMETHOD property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_EXT_PROJ_UIDNull Sets the TASK_EXT_PROJ_UID property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_FINISH_DATENull Sets the TASK_FINISH_DATE property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_FINISH_SLACKNull Sets the TASK_FINISH_SLACK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_FINISH_TXTNull Sets the TASK_FINISH_TXT property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_FINISH_VARNull Sets the TASK_FINISH_VAR property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUALNull Sets the TASK_FIXED_COST_ACCRUAL property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_FIXED_COSTNull Sets the TASK_FIXED_COST property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_FREE_SLACKNull Sets the TASK_FREE_SLACK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDSNull Sets the TASK_HAS_LINKED_FIELDS property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESSNull Sets the TASK_HYPERLINK_ADDRESS property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAMENull Sets the TASK_HYPERLINK_FRIENDLY_NAME property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESSNull Sets the TASK_HYPERLINK_SUB_ADDRESS property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IDNull Sets the TASK_ID property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IGNORES_RES_CALNull Sets the TASK_IGNORES_RES_CAL property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_ACTIVENull Sets the TASK_IS_ACTIVE property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_CRITICALNull Sets the TASK_IS_CRITICAL property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_DISPSUMMARYNull Sets the TASK_IS_DISPSUMMARY property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVENNull Sets the TASK_IS_EFFORT_DRIVEN property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_EXTERNALNull Sets the TASK_IS_EXTERNAL property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJNull Sets the TASK_IS_FROM_FINISH_SUBPROJ property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_MANUALNull Sets the TASK_IS_MANUAL property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_MARKEDNull Sets the TASK_IS_MARKED property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_MILESTONENull Sets the TASK_IS_MILESTONE property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_NULLNull Sets the TASK_IS_NULL property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_OVERALLOCATEDNull Sets the TASK_IS_OVERALLOCATED property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJNull Sets the TASK_IS_READONLY_SUBPROJ property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARYNull Sets the TASK_IS_RECURRING_SUMMARY property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_RECURRINGNull Sets the TASK_IS_RECURRING property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_ROLLED_UPNull Sets the TASK_IS_ROLLED_UP property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_SUBPROJNull Sets the TASK_IS_SUBPROJ property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_IS_SUMMARYNull Sets the TASK_IS_SUMMARY property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_LATE_FINISHNull Sets the TASK_LATE_FINISH property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_LATE_STARTNull Sets the TASK_LATE_START property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSNNull Sets the TASK_LEVELING_ADJUSTS_ASSN property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLITNull Sets the TASK_LEVELING_CAN_SPLIT property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMTNull Sets the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY_FMT property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_LEVELING_DELAYNull Sets the TASK_LEVELING_DELAY property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_NAMENull Sets the TASK_NAME property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_NOTESNull Sets the TASK_NOTES property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_OUTLINE_LEVELNull Sets the TASK_OUTLINE_LEVEL property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_OUTLINE_NUMNull Sets the TASK_OUTLINE_NUM property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_OVT_COSTNull Sets the TASK_OVT_COST property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_OVT_WORKNull Sets the TASK_OVT_WORK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_PARENT_UIDNull Sets the TASK_PARENT_UID property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_PCT_COMPNull Sets the TASK_PCT_COMP property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_PCT_WORK_COMPNull Sets the TASK_PCT_WORK_COMP property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_PHY_PCT_COMPNull Sets the TASK_PHY_PCT_COMP property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_PRELEVELED_FINISHNull Sets the TASK_PRELEVELED_FINISH property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_PRELEVELED_STARTNull Sets the TASK_PRELEVELED_START property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_PRIORITYNull Sets the TASK_PRIORITY property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_REG_WORKNull Sets the TASK_REG_WORK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_REM_COSTNull Sets the TASK_REM_COST property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_REM_DURNull Sets the TASK_REM_DUR property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_REM_OVT_COSTNull Sets the TASK_REM_OVT_COST property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_REM_OVT_WORKNull Sets the TASK_REM_OVT_WORK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_REM_WORKNull Sets the TASK_REM_WORK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_RESUME_DATENull Sets the TASK_RESUME_DATE property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_SCHED_DUR_FMTNull Sets the TASK_SCHED_DUR_FMT property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_SCHED_DURNull Sets the TASK_SCHED_DUR property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_SCHED_FINISHNull Sets the TASK_SCHED_FINISH property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_SCHED_STARTNull Sets the TASK_SCHED_START property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_SPINull Sets the TASK_SPI property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_START_DATENull Sets the TASK_START_DATE property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_START_SLACKNull Sets the TASK_START_SLACK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_START_TXTNull Sets the TASK_START_TXT property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_START_VARNull Sets the TASK_START_VAR property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_STOP_DATENull Sets the TASK_STOP_DATE property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_SVNull Sets the TASK_SV property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_TCPINull Sets the TASK_TCPI property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_TOTAL_SLACKNull Sets the TASK_TOTAL_SLACK property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_TYPENull Sets the TASK_TYPE property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_VACNull Sets the TASK_VAC property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_WBSNull Sets the TASK_WBS property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_WORK_VARNull Sets the TASK_WORK_VAR property to a null value.
Public method SetTASK_WORKNull Sets the TASK_WORK property to a null value.
Public method SetTaskCVPNull Sets the TaskCVP property to a null value.
Public method SetTaskSVPNull Sets the TaskSVP property to a null value.
Public method SetTB_COSTNull Sets the TB_COST property to a null value.
Public method SetTB_DUR_FMTNull Sets the TB_DUR_FMT property to a null value.
Public method SetTB_DURNull Sets the TB_DUR property to a null value.
Public method SetTB_FINISHNull Sets the TB_FINISH property to a null value.
Public method SetTB_STARTNull Sets the TB_START property to a null value.
Public method SetTB_WORKNull Sets the TB_WORK property to a null value.
Public method SetWOBJ_DOC_REF_CNTNull Sets the WOBJ_DOC_REF_CNT property to a null value.
Public method SetWOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNTNull Sets the WOBJ_ISSUE_REF_CNT property to a null value.
Public method SetWOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNTNull Sets the WOBJ_OTHER_REF_CNT property to a null value.
Public method SetWOBJ_RISK_REF_CNTNull Sets the WOBJ_RISK_REF_CNT property to a null value.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method GetValue<T> Reserved for internal use. (Defined by PSUtility.)


See Also


ProjectDataSet.TaskRow Class

Project Web Service