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Word Processing

Applies to: Excel 2010 | Office 2010 | PowerPoint 2010 | Word 2010

This section provides how-to topics for working with word processing documents using the Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office.

In This Section

How to: Accept All Revisions in a Word Processing Document

How to: Add Tables to Word Processing Documents

How to: Apply a Style to a Paragraph in a Word Processing Document

How to: Change the Print Orientation of a Word Processing Document

How to: Change Text in a Table in a Word Processing Document

How to: Convert a Word Processing Document from the DOCM to the DOCX File Format

How to: Create and Add a Character Style to a Word Processing Document

How to: Create and Add a Paragraph Style to a Word Processing Document

How to: Create a Word Processing Document by Providing a Filename

How to: Delete Comments By All or a Specific Author in a Word Processing Document

How to: Extract Styles from a Word Processing Document

How to: Insert a Comment into a Word Processing Document

How to: Insert a Picture into a Word Processing Document

How to: Insert a Table into a Word Processing Document

How to: Open and Add Text to a Word Processing Document

How to: Open a Word Processing Document for Read-only Access

How to: Open a Word Processing Document from a Stream

How to: Remove Hidden Text from a Word Processing Document

How to: Remove the Headers and Footers from a Word Processing Document

How to: Replace the Header in a Word Processing Document

How to: Replace the Styles Parts in a Word Processing Document

How to: Retrieve Comments from a Word Processing Document

How to: Retrieve Property Values from a Word Processing Document

How to: Set a Custom Property in a Word Processing Document

How to: Set the Font for a Text Run

How to: Validate a Word Processing Document

How Do I...

Getting Started with the Open XML SDK 2.0 for Microsoft Office