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Applies to: Office 2010 | Outlook 2010 | Visual Studio

Creates an advise sink object, given a context specified by the calling implementation and a callback function to be triggered by an event notification.

Header file:


Implemented by:


Called by:

Client applications and service providers

STDAPI HrAllocAdviseSink(
  LPVOID lpvContext,


  • lpfnCallback
    [in] Pointer to a callback function based on the NOTIFCALLBACK prototype that MAPI is to call when a notification event occurs for the newly created advise sink.

  • lpvContext
    [in] Pointer to caller data passed to the callback function when MAPI calls it. The caller data can represent an address of significance to the client or provider. Typically, for C++ code, the lpvContext parameter represents a pointer to the address of an object.

  • lppAdviseSink
    [out] Pointer to a pointer to an advise sink object.

Return Value



To use the HrAllocAdviseSink function, a client application or service provider creates an object to receive notifications, creates a notification callback function based on the NOTIFCALLBACK function prototype that goes with that object, and passes a pointer to the object in the HrAllocAdviseSink function as the lpvContext value. Doing so performs a notification; and as part of the notification process, MAPI calls the callback function with the object pointer as the context.

MAPI implements its notification engine asynchronously. In C++, the notification callback can be an object method. If the object generating the notification is not present, the client or provider requesting notification must keep a separate reference count for that object for the object's advise sink.


HrAllocAdviseSink should be used sparingly; it is safer for clients to create their own advise sinks.