Parsing Location Profile
A location profile from the provisioned data specifies the rules to support abbreviated dialing sequences for local or internal calls within a given location. In UCMA, a location profile is encapsulated by a LocationProfileConfiguration object, which exposes the profile as a set of normalization rules in addition to the ExternalAccessPrefix and OptimizedDevieDialing flags.
The following code example shows how a location profile might be parsed using UCMA.
string ParseLocationProfileConfiguration(ProvisioningData data)
if (data == null)
return null;
string msg = null;
if (data.LocationProfileConfiguration != null)
msg += "\r\nLocationProfileConfiguration:\r\n";
msg += "\tName = " + data.LocationProfileConfiguration.Name + "\r\n";
msg += "\tNormalizationRules : \r\n";
foreach (NormalizationRule rule in data.LocationProfileConfiguration.NormalizationRules)
msg += "\t\tRule pattern = " + rule.Pattern + ", translation = " + rule.Translation + "\r\n";
msg += "\tExternalAccessPrefix = " + data.LocationProfileConfiguration.ExternalAccessPrefix + "\r\n";
msg += "\tOptimizeDeviceDialing = " + data.LocationProfileConfiguration.OptimizeDeviceDialing + "\r\n";
return msg;
The following is an example output generated when the code statements above are invoked.
Name = Area 999
NormalizationRules :
Rule pattern = ^1([0-9]{4})$, translation = +1999421$1
Rule pattern = ^2([0-9]{4})$, translation = +1999722$1
Rule pattern = ^3([0-9]{4})$, translation = +1999703$1
Rule pattern = ^4([0-9]{4})$, translation = +1999704$1
Rule pattern = ^5([0-9]{4})$, translation = +1999705$1
Rule pattern = ^6([0-9]{4})$, translation = +1999706$1
Rule pattern = ^7([0-9]{4})$, translation = +1999707$1
Rule pattern = ^8([0-9]{4})$, translation = +1999538$1
Rule pattern = ^0$, translation = +19997075555
Rule pattern = ^911$, translation = +911
Rule pattern = ^([4,5,7]11)$, translation = +$1
Rule pattern = ^(\d{7})$, translation = +1999$1
Rule pattern = ^([2-9]\d{9})$, translation = +1$1
Rule pattern = ^([2-9]\d\d[2-9]\d{6})$, translation = +1$1
Rule pattern = ^(1[2-9]\d{9})$, translation = +$1
Rule pattern = ^011(\d*)$, translation = +$1
Rule pattern = ^(\+?)(\d+)(X|x|EXT)(\d+)$, translation = $1$2;ext=$4
Rule pattern = ^(119)$, translation = $1
ExternalAccessPrefix = 9
OptimizeDeviceDialing = True
This location profile specifies abbreviated dialing sequences for local or internal calls within a fictitious 999 area code.