Parsing Endpoint Configuration
In UCMA, an endpoint configuration specifies what features are supported on an endpoint. It is exposed by a collection of name-value pairs known as the properties of the endpoint configuration.
The following code example shows how an endpoint configuration might be parsed using UCMA.
string ParseEndpointConfiguration(ProvisioningData data)
if (data == null)
return null;
string msg = null;
if (data.EndpointConfiguration != null && data.EndpointConfiguration.Properties != null)
msg += "\r\nEndpointConfiguration:\r\n";
foreach (string key in data.EndpointConfiguration.Properties.Keys)
string value = data.EndpointConfiguration.Properties[key];
msg += "\tProperty[ " + key + " ] = " + value + "\r\n";
return msg;
An example output from the code snippet above is shown as follows:
Property[ searchprefixflags ] = 127
Property[ showrecentcontacts ] = true
Property[ showsharepointphotoeditlink ] = false
Property[ absusage ] = WebSearchOnly
Property[ p2pappsharingencryption ] = 0
Property[ showmanageprivacyrelationships ] = false
Property[ spsearchcenterinternalurl ] = http://contoso/searchcenter/pages/peopleresults.aspx
Property[ exchangecontactstoreallowed ] = false
Property[ maximumdgsallowedincontactlist ] = 10
Property[ enablecontactsync ] = true
Property[ bitsserveraddressexternal ] =
Property[ maxphotosizekb ] = 30
Property[ bitsserveraddressinternal ] =
Property[ photousage ] = AllPhotos
Property[ showaliasoncontactcard ] = True
Property[ enablevoipcalldefault ] = false
Property[ sendfeedbackurl ] = df-mqd-fdb-01
Property[ enablebackgrounddatacollection ] = 1
Property[ disablemusiconhold ] = true
Property[ enableissuereports ] = 1
Property[ spsearchinternalurl ] = http://contoso/_vti_bin/search.asmx
Property[ enablebugfiling ] = 1