Parsing User Settings
The user setting from the provisioned data specifies the location profile assigned to the user as well as the permission to perform file transfer. In UCMA, a user setting is encapsulated by a UserSettingConfiguration object, which exposes the configuration settings as a collection of name-value pairs known as the properties of the media configuration.
The following code example shows how the user setting might be parsed using UCMA.
string ParseUserSettingConfiguration(ProvisioningData data)
if (data == null)
return null;
string msg = null;
if (data.UserSettingConfiguration != null)
msg += "\r\nUserSettingConfiguration:\r\n";
msg += "\tUserLocationProfile = " + data.UserSettingConfiguration.UserLocationProfile + "\r\n";
if (data.UserSettingConfiguration.Properties != null)
foreach (string key in data.UserSettingConfiguration.Properties.Keys)
msg += "\tProperty[ " + key + " ] = " + data.UserSettingConfiguration.Properties[key] + "\r\n";
return msg;
The following is an example output generated when the code statements above are invoked.
UserLocationProfile = W13RC1
Property[ ucuserlocationprofile ] = W13RC1
Property[ disablefiletransfer ] = false