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SignalingParticipant Members

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Represents a participant in a session.

The SignalingParticipant type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ApplicationContext Sets or gets the applications-specific state associated with the participant. (inherited from Participant)
Public property ContactUri Gets the contact URI of the participant, if available. Can be String.Empty. (inherited from Participant)
Public property EndpointId Gets the Ids associated with this participant. (inherited from Participant)
Public property FeatureParameters Gets the collection of feature parameters. (inherited from Participant)
Public property Gruu Gets the GRUU or String.Empty. (inherited from Participant)
Public property IsUpdateSupported Gets the property that indicates if the remote supports the update method.
Public property Name Gets the display name of the participant. (inherited from Participant)
Public property Port Gets the port. (inherited from Participant)
Public property ReliableResponseFeature Gets the value indicating support for 100rel.
Public property Session Gets the session to which this participant belongs.
Public property SessionTimerFeature Gets or sets the value that indicates the support level for session timer.
Public property SipInstance Gets the sipInstance parameter, or String.Empty. (inherited from Participant)
Protected property SyncRoot Obsolete. Gets the synchronization object for this participant. (inherited from Participant)
Public property Uri Gets the URI of the participant. (inherited from Participant)
Public property UriParameters Gets a collection of URI parameters. May be empty if the URI cannot be parsed. (inherited from Participant)
Public property UserAtHost Gets the user and host portion of the URI. (inherited from Participant)



  Name Description
Public method Equals(Object) See if two objects are the same user. (inherited from Participant)
Public method Equals(Participant, IEqualityComparer<Participant>) Determines if the two objects identify the same participant. (inherited from Participant)
Public method Equals(RealTimeAddress, IEqualityComparer<Participant>) Compares the participant to the real-time address. (inherited from Participant)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method GetHashCode Returns a hash value for the current Name object. (inherited from Participant)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Protected method NotifyPropertyChanged Raises the property changed event (inherited from Participant)
Public method ToString Creates a string representation of the participant. (inherited from Participant)



  Name Description
Public event PropertyChanged Raised when one or more properties of the participant change. Changed properties will be indicated by the ParticipantPropertyChanges flags. (inherited from Participant)


See Also


SignalingParticipant Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling Namespace