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MediaProvider Members

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Represents the class, which facilitates SDP offer/answer negotiation for the Call.

The MediaProvider type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected method MediaProvider Creates an instance of the MediaProvider class.



  Name Description
Public property IsEarlyMediaPreferred Gets or sets whether incoming call must perform early media renegotiation before sending a 200-OK response.
Public property IsEscalationSupported Gets or sets whether the media provider supports the escalation from a two-party call to conferencing.
Public property IsMcuSupported Gets or sets whether the media provider supports behaving as an MCU.
Protected property SrtpEncryption Gets the value that determines how the client makes and receives encrypted audio/video calls.
Public property SupportedMediaTypes Gets a list of the supported media names that are acceptable in an m= line in an SDP offer/answer.
Protected property Voice802_1p Gets a provisioned value for voice 802_1p.
Protected property VoiceDiffService Gets provisioned value for voice diff service.



  Name Description
Protected method BeginGetAnswer Begins the asynchronous operation to get the sdp answer from MediaProvider.
Protected method BeginGetOffer Begins the asynchronous operation to get the sdp offer from MediaProvider.
Protected method BeginSdpRenegotiation Begins SDP renegotiation for a given callDialog.
Protected method BeginSendMessage Begins the asynchronous operation to send a message on a specific CallDialogContext.
Protected method BeginTerminateCall(CallDialogContext, IEnumerable<SignalingHeader>, AsyncCallback, Object) Begins the asynchronous operation to terminate the Call.
Protected method BeginTerminateCall(CallDialogContext, IEnumerable<SignalingHeader>, DiagnosticsInformation, AsyncCallback, Object) Begins the asynchronous operation to terminate the Call with specific diagnostic information.
Protected method BeginTerminateMedia Begins the asynchronous operation to terminate media session for a given CallDialogContext.
Protected method EndGetAnswer Completes the operation started by BeginGetAnswer.
Protected method EndGetOffer Completes the operation started by BeginGetOffer.
Protected method EndSdpRenegotiation Ends the asynchronous operation started by the BeginSdpRenegotiation method.
Protected method EndSendMessage Completes the asynchronous operation started by the BeginSendMessage.
Protected method EndTerminateCall Completes the asynchronous operation started by BeginTerminateCall.
Protected method EndTerminateMedia Completes the asynchronous operation started by BeginTerminateMedia.
Public method Equals (inherited from Object)
Protected method Finalize (inherited from Object)
Public method GetHashCode (inherited from Object)
Public method GetType (inherited from Object)
Protected method HandleMessage(CallDialogContext, CallMessageReceivedEventArgs) Handles the message.
Protected method HandleMessage(CallDialogContext, MessageReceivedEventArgs) Obsolete. Handles the message.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (inherited from Object)
Protected method RaiseEvent<T> Raises the specified event.
Protected method RaiseFlowConfigurationRequestedHandler Raises the FlowConfigurationRequested event.
Protected method SetAnswer Sets the incoming answer on MediaProvider.
Protected method SetIncomingCallOffer Sets the initial offer on the MediaProvider.
Public method ToString (inherited from Object)
Protected method TryGetPortRange Tries to get the port range defined for the media type.
Protected method UpdatePrimarySessionContext Updates the context of the primary session.


See Also


MediaProvider Class

Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.ComponentModel Namespace