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DeleteMeeting Message

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Deletes a previously scheduled meeting in a Live Meeting conference center.


Component Type

XML Element






A caller must be a member of the Administrator role or be the Organizer that owns the meeting.

When this message returns successfully, the specified meeting is deleted; Deleting a meeting removes it from the schedule and unpublished recordings are deleted. The Documents and published recordings of the meeting are not deleted. Deleted meetings (meetings where erase is not set to True) do not count toward the schedule limit for the account. Deleted meetings and recordings free up licenses that are then available for use. The seats you had used in the deleted meeting become available again as reserved seats.

When you delete an Active or Undeleted meeting (erase=false), the meeting status is changed to Deleted. None of the published recordings are deleted. The uploaded resources for those meetings are not deleted. The recordings are not deleted in the event the recorded meeting is restored by a RestoreMeeting request. However, when you call DeleteMeeting and specify erase = true on a meeting with a Deleted or Expired status, the meeting is permanently removed with all its uploaded resources. For more information about deleting a meeting or recording, see Maintaining Meetings and Recordings.

The bulk delete option is new. The new shared element StringListQuery is used to pass multiple mids. For more information about the shared element, see StringListQuery or DeleteMeetingRequest.


Deleted meetings do not count towards the schedule limit for the account similar to meetings that are permanently deleted (removed). However, deleted meetings if restored count towards this limit.


Example 1: Deleting a Scheduled Meeting

This example shows how to delete a scheduled meeting from a conference center.

The following code shows a request sent to a conference center.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
    <StringQuery fieldName="mid" operator="=" value="bvntuc1ix4mr"/>

The following shows a reply returned from the conference center when the requested meeting is deleted.


Example 2: Deleting a Meet Now Meeting

This example shows how to delete a Meet Now meeting run by a user named "apiuser". Note how the to-be-deleted meeting is specified using a StringQuery element that sets the value of personalPlaceOf to the users user ID.

The following code is the request sent to the conference center.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
      <StringQuery fieldName="personalPlaceOf" operator="=" value="apiuser"/>

The following is the reply returned from the conference center when the request is processed successfully.


Example 3: Deleting Meetings with erase set to true

The following code shows the request sent to the conference center. If the request is successful, the meetings are not restorable.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
  <DeleteMeetingRequest erase="True">
    <StringListQuery fieldName="mid">

The following is the reply returned from the conference center.


See Also


DeleteMeetingRequest Element

DeleteMeetingReply Element

CreateMeeting Message

ModifyMeeting Message