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Using the WebDAV Sample Application

Topic Last Modified: 2007-06-21

The WebDAV sample application is an ASP page that is installed in the directory in which the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Software Development Kit (SDK) is installed, in the \Samples\webdav\ folder. To use the WebDAV sample application, locate the installation directory and double-click the webdavsample.htm file icon.

The following figure shows the WebDAV sample application.


To list the properties of a resource

  1. In the Target URL field, type the URL of the Exchange store resource.

  2. Click List Properties. The PROPFIND Method response status and body will be displayed in the Status and Response fields respectively. The displayname Field, the contentclass Field, the getlastmodified Field, and the getcontentlength Field of the resource will be rendered in the table at the bottom of the page. If the resource is a collection, the children of the collection will also be listed.

To move a resource

  1. In the Target URL field, type the URL of the Exchange store resource that you want to move.

  2. In the Destination URL field, type the URL of the destination. To allow the server to rename the resource at the destination, select the AllowRename box. To allow the server to overwrite a resource with the same name at the destination URL, select the Overwrite box.


    You must enter the full URL of the item in the Destination URL, including the file name and extension. For example: https://server/public/Folder/MoveToFolder/MovedItem.txt.

  3. Click Move Resource. The MOVE Method response status and body will be displayed in the Status and Response fields respectively.

To copy a resource

  1. In the Target URL field, type the URL of the Exchange store resource that you want to copy.

  2. In the Destination URL field, type the URL of the location that you want the resource to be copied to. To allow the server to rename the resource at the destination, select the Allow Rename box. To allow the server to overwrite a resource with the same name at the destination URL, select the Overwrite box.


    You must enter the full URL of the item in the Destination URL field, including the file name and extension. For example: https://server/public/Folder/CopyToFolder/CopiedItem.txt.

  3. Click Copy Resource. The COPY Method response status and body will be displayed in the Status and Response fields respectively.

To delete a resource

  1. In the Target URL field, type the URL of the Exchange store resource that you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete Resource. The DELETE Method response status and body will be displayed in the Status and Response fields respectively.

To make a collection

  1. In the Target URL field, type the URL of the location where you want to create an Exchange store collection.

  2. Click Make Collection. The MKCOL Method response status and body will be displayed in the Status and Response fields respectively.