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Resources Members

Represents a strongly-typed resource class for looking up localized strings, etc.

The following tables list the members exposed by the Resources type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property static ACTION Gets a localized string similar to Action.It is read-only.
public property static ACTION_CALL Gets a localized string similar to Action Call.It is read-only.
public property static ACTION_CALLS Gets a localized string similar to Action Calls.It is read-only.
public property static ACTION_DATA Gets a localized string similar to Action Data.It is read-only.
public property static ACTION_ENTITY_DONT_EXISTS Gets a localized string similar to Action Entity Doesn't Exists.It is read-only.
public property static ACTIONCALL_ENTITY_DONT_EXISTS Gets a localized string similar to Action Call Entity Doesn't Exists.It is read-only.
public property static ADD_ACTION Gets a localized string similar to Add Action.It is read-only.
public property static ADD_FLOW_DECISION Gets a localized string similar to Add Flow Decision.It is read-only.
public property static ADD_HOSTED_CONTROL Gets a localized string similar to Add Hosted Control.It is read-only.
public property static agentId_or_sessionID Gets a localized string similar to agentId or sessionID.It is read-only.
public property static APPLICATION Gets a localized string similar to Application.It is read-only.
public property static ASSISTING Gets a localized string similar to Assisting. It is read-only.
public property static ASSOCIATION_FAILED Gets a localized string similar to Association Failed.
public property static ASSOCIATION_SUCCESS Gets a localized string similar to Association success.
public property static AVAIL Gets a localized string similar to Ready.It is read-only.
public property static BUSY Gets a localized string similar to Busy.It is read-only.
public property static CACHE_RESET_REQUEST_USD_LOAD_FROMCRM_NEXTTIME Gets a localized string similar to “A cache reset request was placed. USD will load data from CRM next time it starts.”It is read-only.
public property static CALLSTATE_SESSIONCHANGE Gets a localized string similar to “CALL CONTROL PANEL >> SESSION CHANGE EVENT RAISED >> ACTIVATE : {0} , SESSION {1}”.It is read-only.
public property static CALLSTATE_SESSIONRESTORE Gets a localized string similar to “CALL CONTROL PANEL >> SESSION RESTORE REFRESH >> STATE: {0}, ID: {1}”.It is read-only.
public property static CALLSTATE_STATUSUPDATED_RAISED Gets a localized string similar to “CALL CONTROL PANEL >> CALLSTATEUPDATE RAISED >> STATE: {0}”.It is read-only.
public property static CANCEL Gets a localized string similar to “Cancel”.It is read-only.
public property static CLEAR_DEBUG_OUTPUT Gets a localized string similar to “Clear Debug Output”.It is read-only.
public property static CLICK_SNOOZE_TO_REMIND_AGAIN Gets a localized string similar to “Click Snooze to be reminded again in:”.It is read-only.
public property static CLOSE_ACTIVITY_WITH_ID_ERROR_ONE Gets a localized string similar to “Failed to close activity {0} with ID {2}. The error was: {1}”.It is read-only.
public property static COMMON_MSG_IIS_ERROR Gets a localized string similar to “Unable to connect to the web server”.It is read-only.
public property static COMMON_MSGBOX_TITLE_PART1 Gets a localized string similar to “Customer Care Accelerator”.It is read-only.
public property static COMMON_MSGBOX_TITLE_PART2 Gets a localized string similar to “Maximum Sessions”.It is read-only.
public property static CONDITION Gets a localized string similar to “Condition”.It is read-only.
public property static CONDITION_RESULT Gets a localized string similar to “Condition Result”.It is read-only.
public property static CONFERENCE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Gets a localized string similar to “Conference isn't implemented in the demo version”.It is read-only.
public property static CONTEXT Gets a localized string similar to “CONTEXT”.It is read-only.
public property static COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD Gets a localized string similar to “Copied to clipboard”.It is read-only.
public property static COPY_DATA_PARAMETER_TO_CLIPBOARD Gets a localized string similar to “Copy data parameter to clipboard.It is read-only.
public property static CORRUPT_PARAMETERS Gets a localized string similar to Corrupt Parameters.
public property static CREATED Gets a localized string similar to “Created”.It is read-only.
public property static CRM_MESSAGE Gets a localized string similar to “CRM message”.It is read-only.
public property static CRM_NOT_CONNECTED Gets a localized string similar to “CRM is not yet connected”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_Agent_CALL_Answer Gets a localized string similar to “Call activated. Do you want to open the session?”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_Agent_CALL_HANGUP Gets a localized string similar to “Call disconnected. Do you want to close the session?”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_Agent_SESSION_CLOSED Gets a localized string similar to “The customer session is closed. Do you want to hang up the call?”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_CALLSTATE_ANSWER Gets a localized string similar to “Answer”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_CALLSTATE_CONFERENCE Gets a localized string similar to “Conference”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_CALLSTATE_DIAL Gets a localized string similar to “Dial”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_CALLSTATE_HANGUP Gets a localized string similar to “Hang up”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_CALLSTATE_HOLD Gets a localized string similar to “Hold”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_CALLSTATE_TRANSFER Gets a localized string similar to “Transfer”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_CALLSTATE_UNHOLD Gets a localized string similar to “Unhold”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_CUSTOMER_CALL_HANGUP Gets a localized string similar to “Call disconnected”.It is read-only.
public property static CTI_CUSTOMER_CALL_TITLE Gets a localized string similar to “Customer call”.It is read-only.
public property static CTIDISABLED Gets a localized string similar to “CTI Disabled”.It is read-only.
public property static Culture Gets or sets the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
public property static CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL_CELL Gets a localized string similar to “Cell”.It is read-only.
public property static CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL_CURRENT_APPLICATION Gets a localized string similar to Current Application:.
public property static CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL_CUSTOMER_DETAILS Gets a localized string similar to Customer Details:.
public property static CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL_EMAIL Gets a localized string similar to Email.
public property static CURRENT_SESSION_LABEL_PHONE_NUMBER Gets a localized string similar to Phone Number.
public property static DATA Gets a localized string similar to Data.
public property static DATA_PARAMETERS Gets a localized string similar to Data Parameters.
public property static DEBUG_OUTPUT Gets a localized string similar to Debug Output.
public property static DELETE Gets a localized string similar to Delete.
public property static DESKTOP_APP_LOAD_ERROR Gets a localized string similar to Unable to restore the saved session..
public property static DESKTOP_APP_SAVE_ERROR Gets a localized string similar to DESKTOP_APP_SAVE_ERROR: Unable to save the hosted application states..
public property static DESKTOP_GETNUMBER_DIAL Gets a localized string similar to Dial.
public property static DESKTOP_IIS_ERROR Gets a localized string similar to DESKTOP_IIS_ERROR: Failed to connect to the web server. Please verify that you can connect to the web server..
public property static DESKTOP_LOOKUP_TEXT Gets a localized string similar to _New Search.
public property static DESKTOP_MSG_SQL_EXIST Gets a localized string similar to SQL Server can't be found.
public property static DESKTOP_NEW_CUSTOMER Gets a localized string similar to _New Customer.
public property static DIAL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED Gets a localized string similar to Dial isn't implemented in the demo version..
public property static DIRECT_ACTION Gets a localized string similar to Direct Action.
public property static DISABLE_CATCHING Gets a localized string similar to You must disable caching for this operation to be available..
public property static DISASSOCIATION_FAILED Gets a localized string similar to Disassociation Failed.
public property static DISASSOCIATION_SUCCESS Gets a localized string similar to Disassociation Success.
public property static DISMISS Gets a localized string similar to Dismiss.
public property static DISMISS_ALL Gets a localized string similar to Dismiss All.
public property static DUE Gets a localized string similar to Due.
public property static DURATION Gets a localized string similar to Duration.
public property static EDIT_ACTION_CALL Gets a localized string similar to Edit Action Call.
public property static ERROR_CRM_BASE_URL_CONTACT_ADMIN Gets a localized string similar to An error occurred obtaining the CRM UI Base URL. Contact your administrator..
public property static ERROR_LOCATING_TASK Gets a localized string similar to Error locating task.
public property static ERROR_RETRIEVING_CRM_METADATA Gets a localized string similar to Error retrieving CRM metadata..
public property static ERROR_SESSION_LINES Gets a localized string similar to Error in Session Lines.
public property static ERROR_SETTING_DEFAULT_PANEL_CONTACT_ADMIN Gets a localized string similar to There was an error setting up the default panel layout. Contact your administrator..
public property static ERROR_STARTING_SHORTCUT_KEY Gets a localized string similar to Error starting shortcut key.
public property static EXCEPTION Gets a localized string similar to Exception.
public property static EXISTING_RECORD_UPDATE Gets a localized string similar to This is an existing record. Would you like to update this record?.
public property static FAILED_CREATEENTITY_REQUESTED Gets a localized string similar to Failed to create the entity requested. Some values weren't understood..
public property static FAILED_EXECUTING_ZERO_ONE_FORYOUR_USER Gets a localized string similar to Failed Executing {0} on {1} for your user..
public property static FAILED_EXECUTING_ZERO_ONE_FORYOUR_USER_TWO Gets a localized string similar to Failed Executing {0} on {1} for your user - {2}.
public property static FAILED_FIND_TARGET_TASK Gets a localized string similar to Failed to find the target task..
public property static FAILED_RESOLVE_QUEUE_ITEM_ID_ERROR_WAS Gets a localized string similar to Failed to resolve the queue item ID. The error was: {0}.
public property static FAILED_ROUTE_ENTITY_QUEUE Gets a localized string similar to Failed to route entity {0} to queue {1}.
public property static FAILED_ROUTE_ENTITY_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND Gets a localized string similar to Failed to route entity {0} to queue {1}. The queue wasn't found..
public property static FAILED_TO_CREATE_NEW Gets a localized string similar to Failed to Create a new {0}.
public property static FAILED_TO_CREATE_NEW_ERROR Gets a localized string similar to Failed to create a new {0}. The error was: {1}.
public property static FAILED_TO_DELETE_ERROR_ONE Gets a localized string similar to Failed to delete {0}. The error was: {1}.
public property static FAILED_TO_DELETE_RECORD_TYPE_ID_ERROR Gets a localized string similar to Failed to delete the record of type {0} with ID {2}. The error was: {1}.
public property static FAILED_TO_DELETE_ZERO Gets a localized string similar to Failed to delete {0}. The error was: {1}.
public property static FAILED_TO_READ_USER_SETTINGS Gets a localized string similar to Failed to read user settings..
public property static FAILED_TO_UPD_AGENT_SCRIPT_ACTION Gets a localized string similar to Failed to update agent script action:.
public property static FAILED_TO_UPDATE_USER_SETTING Gets a localized string similar to Failed to update user setting..
public property static FAILED_UPDATE_ZERO Gets a localized string similar to Failed to update {0}. Error was: {1}.
public property static FAILED_UPDATE_ZERO_ERROR_ONE Gets a localized string similar to Failed to update {0}. Error was: {1}.
public property static FAILED_UPDATEENTITY_REQUESTED Gets a localized string similar to Failed to update the requested entity. Some values weren't understood..
public property static GENERATE_SESSIONNAME_ERROR Gets a localized string similar to GENERATE SESSION NAME ERROR, Control:{0}, the customer record isn't of the correct type. Expected {1}..
public property static HOSTED_CONTROL Gets a localized string similar to Hosted Control.
public property static HOSTED_CONTROL_ENTITY_DONT_EXISTS Gets a localized string similar to Hosted Control Entity Doesn't Exists.
public property static imgSessionExp Gets a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap.
public property static INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_CONFIGURATION Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Configuration.
public property static INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_CURRENT_USER_INFO Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Current User Info.
public property static INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_ENVIRONMENT Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Environment.
public property static INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_ENVIRONMENT_SETTINGS Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Environmental Settings.
public property static INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_LANG_CODE Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Language Codes.
public property static INITIALIZING_USD_PROCESSING_WORKFLOW Gets a localized string similar to Initializing USD - Processing Workflow Configuration.
public property static INNER_EXCEPTION Gets a localized string similar to InnerEx: {1}.
public property static KNOWLEDGEMANAGEMENT_NOT_ENABLED Gets a localized string similar to Knowledge management not enabled.
public property static LOGGEDOUT Gets a localized string similar to Not Logged In.
public property static LOGGING_PROVIDER_EXCEPTION Gets a localized string similar to Logging Provider Exception: {0}.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_ACCOUNTNAME Gets a localized string similar to Account Name.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_ACCOUNTNO Gets a localized string similar to Account No.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_BTN_NEW Gets a localized string similar to New.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_CANCEL Gets a localized string similar to Cancel.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_CITY Gets a localized string similar to City.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_ERROR_MSG Gets a localized string similar to Error Message.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_FIRST Gets a localized string similar to First Name.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_HOME_PHONE Gets a localized string similar to Home Phone.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LABEL1 Gets a localized string similar to _Email ID :.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LABEL4 Gets a localized string similar to Or.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LABEL7 Gets a localized string similar to _Last Name :.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LAST Gets a localized string similar to Last Name.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LBEL10 Gets a localized string similar to _Account No :.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LBEL8 Gets a localized string similar to _First Name :.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LBEL9 Gets a localized string similar to _Account Name :.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LBL5 Gets a localized string similar to Or.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LBL6 Gets a localized string similar to _Phone Number :.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LOOKUP_ID Gets a localized string similar to Lookup ID.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LOOKUP_NAME Gets a localized string similar to Lookup Name.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_LOOKUP_PHONE Gets a localized string similar to Lookup Phone.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_NEED_BOTH_NAMES Gets a localized string similar to Need both a first and last name or at least both a partial first and last name..
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_NO_RECORD_SELECTED Gets a localized string similar to There is no customer record selected..
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_SELECT Gets a localized string similar to Select.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_STATE Gets a localized string similar to State.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_STREET Gets a localized string similar to Street.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_TEXT Gets a localized string similar to Lookup Customer.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_UNABLE_CUST_ID Gets a localized string similar to Unable to find the specified customer..
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_UNABLE_CUST_NAME Gets a localized string similar to Unable to find a customer with the specified name..
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_UNABLE_CUST_PHONE_NUMBER Gets a localized string similar to Unable to find a customer with the specified phone number..
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_UNABLE_CUST_RECORD Gets a localized string similar to Unable to find the customer record..
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_WORK_PHONE Gets a localized string similar to Work Phone.
public property static LOOKUP_DLG_ZIPCODE Gets a localized string similar to Zip Code.
public property static LOSE_UNSAVED_CHANGES Gets a localized string similar to Are you sure you want to lose any unsaved changes?.
public property static MAIN Gets a localized string similar to Main.
public property static MAIN_PANEL Gets a localized string similar to Main Panel.
public property static MAX_SESSION_COUNT_REACHED Gets a localized string similar to The maximum number of sessions was reached..
public property static MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_HOSTED_CONTROLS Gets a localized string similar to The maximum allowed items have been loaded into this hosted control. Close some items and try again..
public property static MAXIMUM_BROWSER_INSTANCE Gets a localized string similar to The maximum allowable browser instances have been loaded. Close a window and try again..
public property static MAXIMUM_SESSION_COUNT_EXCEEDED Gets a localized string similar to Maximum Session Count Exceeded.
public property static MAXIMUM_SESSION_COUNT_EXCEEDED_CLOSE_EXISTING_SESSION Gets a localized string similar to The maximum session count was exceeded. Close an existing session and try again..
public property static MINUTE Gets a localized string similar to minute.
public property static MINUTES Gets a localized string similar to minutes.
public property static NAME Gets a localized string similar to Name.
public property static NEW_SESSION Gets a localized string similar to New Session.
public property static NEW_WORKFLOW Gets a localized string similar to New Workflow.
public property static NO_DATA_FOUND_CREATE_RECORD Gets a localized string similar to No data found to create record..
public property static NO_DATA_RETURNED_FROM_SEARCH_NO_ID_PRESENT Gets a localized string similar to No data returned from search, or no ID was present..
public property static NO_QUEUE_ITEM_FOUND_ID_ERROR Gets a localized string similar to No queue item found for id {0}. The error was: {1}.
public property static NOT_ALL_ACTION_CALLS_AVAILABLE_ABORTING_CALL_PARAMETERS Gets a localized string similar to Not all parameters in the action call {0} are available, stopping the action call. The parameters are : {1}.
public property static NOTAVAIL Gets a localized string similar to Not Ready.
public property static NotesControl_InitialText Gets a localized string similar to Enter notes here....
public property static OK Gets a localized string similar to OK.
public property static ONCALLACTIVE Gets a localized string similar to On Call - Active.
public property static ONCALLHOLD Gets a localized string similar to On Call - On Hold.
public property static OPEN_EXISTING_WORKFLOW Gets a localized string similar to Open Existing Workflow.
public property static OPEN_FILE_ERROR Gets a localized string similar to Open File Error.
public property static OPEN_ITEM Gets a localized string similar to Open Item.
public property static PARAMETERS Gets a localized string similar to Parameters.
public property static PERMISSION_ISSUE_CONTACT_ADMINISTRATOR Gets a localized string similar to Unable to set the working set. There may be a permission issue. Contact an administrator..
public property static picHelpIcon_Image Gets a localized resource of type System.Drawing.Bitmap.
public property static QUEUE_CACHE_RESET_REQUEST Gets a localized string similar to Queued Cache Reset Request.
public property static RAW_ACTION Gets a localized string similar to Raw Action.
public property static REFRESH_ACTION_CALLS Gets a localized string similar to Refresh Action Calls.
public property static REFRESH_ACTIONS Gets a localized string similar to Refresh Actions.
public property static REFRESH_FAILED Gets a localized string similar to Refresh failed.
public property static REFRESH_HOSTED_CONTROLS Gets a localized string similar to Refresh Hosted Controls.
public property static RENEWSESSION_EXCEPTION Gets a localized string similar to EXCEPTION IN RENEW SESSION .
public property static REPLACEMENT_PARAMETERS_NOT_REPLACED Gets a localized string similar to Search failed because the replacement parameters in the FetchXML weren't replaced..
public property static REPLACEMENT_PARAMETERS_NOT_SUCCESSFUL Gets a localized string similar to Not all replacement parameters were replaced successfully..
public property static REQUIRE_HIGH_VER_GLOBAL_MNGR_CONTACT_ADMIN Gets a localized string similar to This application requires that the CRM Server you're connecting to have at least version of the CRM Global Manager Solution. Contact your system administrator..
public property static ResourceManager Gets the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
public property static RESULT Gets a localized string similar to Result.
public property static RUN Gets a localized string similar to Run.
public property static RUN_ACTION_CALL Gets a localized string similar to Run Action Call.
public property static RUN_DIRECT_ACTION Gets a localized string similar to Run Direct Action.
public property static SAVE_ACTION_CALL Gets a localized string similar to Save as Action Call.
public property static SAVE_AS Gets a localized string similar to Save As.
public property static SAVE_WORKFLOW Gets a localized string similar to Save Workflow.
public property static ScriptControl_HeaderLabel Gets a localized string similar to CALL SCRIPT.
public property static ScriptControl_InstructionsLabel Gets a localized string similar to Instructions.
public property static ScriptControl_ScriptTextLabelContent Gets a localized string similar to Script.
public property static SEARCH Gets a localized string similar to Search.
public property static SECONDS Gets a localized string similar to seconds.
public property static SELECT_HOSTEDCONTROL_ACTION Gets a localized string similar to Select a hosted control and an action.
public property static SESSION_COUNT_EXCEEDED Gets a localized string similar to Session Count Exceeded.
public property static SESSION_EXPLORER_CLOSE_SESSION Gets a localized string similar to Close Session.
public property static SESSION_EXPLORER_MODULE_NAME Gets a localized string similar to _Session Explorer.
public property static SESSION_EXPLORER_SESSIONS_COUNT Gets a localized string similar to - {0} Session(s).
public property static SESSION_TIME Gets a localized string similar to Session Time :.
public property static SessionTimerLabelPrefixText Gets a localized string similar to Session Time.
public property static SETCONTEXTERROR Gets a localized string similar to SET CONTEXT ERROR, Control:{0}, the customer record isn't of the correct type. Expected {1}..
public property static SNOOZE Gets a localized string similar to Snooze.
public property static SOURCE Gets a localized string similar to Source.
public property static STACK_TWO Gets a localized string similar to Stack:{2}.
public property static START_UP_EXCEPTION Gets a localized string similar to Start up exception.
public property static SUBJECT Gets a localized string similar to Subject.
public property static UNABLE_FIND_SEARCHDEFINITION_NAME Gets a localized string similar to Search unable to find Search Definition by name..
public property static UNABLE_LOAD_USD_CONFIGURATION Gets a localized string similar to Unable to load USD configuration:.
public property static UNABLE_LOAD_USD_CRM Gets a localized string similar to Unable to load USD configuration: Unable to load data from CRM..
public property static UNABLE_LOAD_XML Gets a localized string similar to Unable to load XAML..
public property static UNABLE_PARSE_ID_OR_ID_NOT_PRESENT Gets a localized string similar to Unable to parse ID data, or no ID was present..
public property static UNABLE_PARSE_REQUESTED_DATA_NO_DATA_PRESENT Gets a localized string similar to Unable to parse requested data, or no data was present..
public property static UNABLE_RETRIEVE_CONFIGURATIONVALUEREADER Gets a localized string similar to Unable to retrieve the configuration value reader..
public property static UNABLE_TO_LOAD_THEME Gets a localized string similar to Unable to load theme..
public property static UNABLE_TO_PARSE_ID Gets a localized string similar to Unable to parse ID..
public property static UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND Gets a localized string similar to Unrecognized command..
public property static UNSAVED_CHANGES Gets a localized string similar to Unsaved changes..
public property static UPDATE Gets a localized string similar to Update?.
public property static UPDATE_DATA_PARAMETERS Gets a localized string similar to Update data parameters..
public property static USD_REQUIRE_HIGH_VER_GLOBAL_MNGR Gets a localized string similar to This Unified Service Desk requires at least version of the CRM Global Manager Solution..
public property static USER_SETTING_NAME_NOT_SPECIFIED Gets a localized string similar to The user setting name wasn't specified, a name for the user setting is required to save user settings..
public property static VALUE Gets a localized string similar to Value.
public property static WINDOW_ROUTE_LOAD_EXCEPTION Gets a localized string similar to Window Route Load Exception: {0}.
public property static WORKFLOW Gets a localized string similar to Workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_BTN_CANCEL Gets a localized string similar to Cancel.
public property static WORKFLOW_BTN_DONE Gets a localized string similar to Done.
public property static WORKFLOW_BTN_NEXT Gets a localized string similar to _Next.
public property static WORKFLOW_BTN_PREVIOUS Gets a localized string similar to _Previous.
public property static WORKFLOW_BTN_START Gets a localized string similar to Start.
public property static WORKFLOW_CANCEL_CONFIRM Gets a localized string similar to Are you sure you want to cancel the workflow?.
public property static WORKFLOW_COMBO_DEFAULT_ITEM Gets a localized string similar to Select a workflow..
public property static WORKFLOW_COMPLETE_CONFIRM Gets a localized string similar to Are you sure you want to complete the workflow?.
public property static WORKFLOW_COMPLETE_STEP Gets a localized string similar to Complete all the steps to finish the workflow..
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_AGENTID_SESSIONID_NULL Gets a localized string similar to Either the Agent ID or the Session ID is null..
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_GET_PENDING_WORKFLOW Gets a localized string similar to Couldn't get the pending workflow content..
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_GET_WORKFLOWS Gets a localized string similar to Couldn't get the available workflows for the Agent..
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_LISTVIEW_UPDATE Gets a localized string similar to Couldn't update the list view of the workflow..
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_SAVE_ACTIVE_WORKFLOW Gets a localized string similar to The Save Workflow web method caused the problem..
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_SET_WORKFLOW_DATA_FROM_XML Gets a localized string similar to There is a problem in the XML content of the available workflow..
public property static WORKFLOW_EXECUTION_FAILED Gets a localized string similar to Workflow Execution Failed.
public property static WORKFLOW_GET_WORKFLOW_STEPS Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_GET_WORKFLOW_STEPS: There is a problem in the XML content of a workflow's steps or in setting the active workflow..
public property static WORKFLOW_LBL_CURRENT_WORKFLOW Gets a localized string similar to _Workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_LBL_DEFAULT Gets a localized string similar to _Workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_LBL_FORCED Gets a localized string similar to (Forced).
public property static WORKFLOW_LBL_HELP Gets a localized string similar to Help.
public property static WORKFLOW_LBL_HELPCONTENTS Gets a localized string similar to Help Contents.
public property static WORKFLOW_LBL_NON_FORCED Gets a localized string similar to (Non-Forced).
public property static WORKFLOW_LBL_STEPS Gets a localized string similar to Workflow Steps.
public property static WORKFLOW_LOGGING_INFO_NO_ACCESS_TO_STEPS Gets a localized string similar to “The Agent doesn't have access to the hosted applications corresponding to the following steps of the selected workflow.”
public property static WORKFLOW_LOGGING_INFO_NO_ACCESS_TO_WORKFLOWS Gets a localized string similar to “The Agent doesn't have access to any workflows. Contact the system administrator.”
public property static WORKFLOW_MODULE_NAME Gets a localized string similar to Workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_MSGBOX_ALL_STEPS_NOT_COMPLETED Gets a localized string similar to Forced workflow can't be closed without completing all workflow steps..
public property static WORKFLOW_MSGBOX_NO_ACCESS_TO_STEPS_ASK_PART1 Gets a localized string similar to You don't have access to the hosted applications corresponding to the following steps of the selected workflow..
public property static WORKFLOW_MSGBOX_NO_ACCESS_TO_STEPS_ASK_PART2 Gets a localized string similar to Do you wish to continue?.
public property static WORKFLOW_MSGBOX_TITLE_PART2 Gets a localized string similar to Workflow.
public property static WRAPUP Gets a localized string similar to Call Wrap-up.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Equals  (inherited from Object)
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


See Also


Resources Class
Microsoft.Crm.UnifiedServiceDesk.Dynamics.Properties Namespace

Unified Service Desk
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