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AutomationAdapter Members

Implements the WF/Automation capability for the hosted application.

The following tables list the members exposed by the AutomationAdapter type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
  AutomationAdapter Initializes a new instance of the AutomationAdapter class.


Public Fields

  Name Description
public field static DdaActionAddApplication Specifies the AddApplication action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionAddDoActionEventTrigger Specifies the AddDoActionEventTrigger action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionCloseApplication Specifies the CloseApplication action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionExecuteControlAction Specifies the ExecuteControlAction action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionFindControl Specifies the FindControl action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionFocusApplication Specifies the FocusApplication action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionGetControlValue Specifies the GetControlValue action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionGetInitstring Specifies the GetInitString action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionHostApplication Specifies the HostApplication action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionRemoveDoActionEventTrigger Specifies the RemoveDoActionEventTrigger action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionSetControlValue Specifies the SetControlValue action of the DDA.
public field static DdaActionStartApplication Specifies the StartApplication action of the DDA.


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property ApplicationInitString  Gets or sets the XML string used to initialize the application. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public property DataDrivenAdapter Gets or sets the DDA associated with the application
public property DdaApplicationObject  Gets or sets the application object data-driven adapters used to manipulate the application. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public property Name  Gets or sets the name of the application that the adapter is working with. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public property SessionId Gets the session this application instance is on.
public property SessionID  Gets or sets the ID of the current session. The SessionID is used with global applications to track which session is active. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public property SessionWorkItem  Gets or sets the work item that identifies the session. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method AdapterContextChange  Used by inherited classes to send context change event to UII. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public method AdapterFireAction  Used by inherited classes to request an action through UII to other applications. Obsolete.  (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public method AdapterFireRequestAction  Used by inherited classes to request an action through UII to other applications. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public method Close Overridden. Cleans up any resources allocated by the DataDrivenAdapter on application/session shutdown
public method DoAction  Overloaded. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public method DoAction Overridden. AutomationAdapter implementation of the adapter’s DoAction method.
public method Equals  (inherited from Object)
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetStateData Overridden. Gets the state data.
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method Initialize Overridden. Initializes the components.
public method NotifyContextChange  Overloaded. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public method NotifyContextChange Overridden. Generates ContextChanged DDA event from NotifyContextChange AIF event.
public method SessionChange Overridden. Generates Session[De]activated DDA events from SessionChange AIF event.
public method SetStateData Overridden. Sets the state data.
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


Public Events

  Name Description
public event AdapterContextChangedEvent  Notifies the UII when the adapter changes the context. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public event AdapterFireRequestActionEvent  Lets the adapter request that an action be started. This can be used within custom adapters to send UII actions. (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)
public event AdapterRequestActionEvent  Lets the adapter request that an action be fired. This can be used within custom adapters to send UII actions. Obsolete. Obsolete.  (inherited from HostedApplicationAdapter)


See Also


AutomationAdapter Class
Microsoft.Uii.HostedApplicationToolkit.AutomationHosting Namespace

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