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Messages Members

Represents a strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.

The following tables list the members exposed by the Messages type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property static APP_PARAMETER_TYPE_EXCEPTION Gets a localized string similar to App parameter isn't of type "{0}"..
public property static Culture Gets or sets the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
public property static NONHOSTED_APP_ERROR Gets a localized string similar to The system can't find the specified file.
public property static ResourceManager Gets the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
public property static SESSION_ID_SessionId Gets a localized string similar to Session ID.
public property static SESSION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Gets a localized string similar to The maximum session limit was exceeded..
public property static WORKFLOW_CANCEL_CONFIRM Gets a localized string similar to Are you sure you want to cancel the workflow?
public property static WORKFLOW_COMPLETE_STEP Gets a localized string similar to Complete all the steps to finish the workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_DATA_ERR_SET_WORKFLOW_DATA Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_DATA_ERR_SET_WORKFLOW_DATA: There is a problem in the XML content of a workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_DATA_ERR_SET_WORKFLOW_STEPS_DATA Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_DATA_ERR_SET_WORKFLOW_STEPS_DATA: There is a problem in the XML content of a workflow's steps.
public property static WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_DATA_SET_PENDING_WORKFLOW_DATA Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_DATA_SET_PENDING_WORKFLOW_DATA: There is a problem in the steps' data of the pending workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_DATA_SET_PENDING_WORKFLOW_DATA_SET_TO_FIRST_STEP Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_DATA_SET_PENDING_WORKFLOW_DATA_SET_TO_FIRST_STEP: There is a problem in the XML content of a workflow's steps. The first step of the workflow will be set as the active step.
public property static WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_DATA_STATUS_INVALID Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_DATA_STATUS_INVALID: The workflow status isn't valid.
public property static WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_STEP_ERR_SET_STEP_DATA Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_DATA_STRUCTURES_WORKFLOW_STEP_ERR_SET_STEP_DATA: There is a problem in the XML content of a workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_AGENTID_SESSIONID_NULL Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_ERR_AGENTID_SESSIONID_NULL: Either the Agent ID or the Session ID is null.
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_GET_INTELLIGENT_WORKFLOW_ID Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_ERR_GET_INTELLIGENT_WORKFLOW_ID: Failed to get the intelligent workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_GET_PENDING_WORKFLOW Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_ERR_GET_PENDING_WORKFLOW: There was a problem in getting the pending workflow content.
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_GET_WORKFLOWS Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_ERR_GET_WORKFLOWS: There was a problem in obtaining the available workflows for the Agent.
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_LISTVIEW_UPDATE Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_ERR_LISTVIEW_UPDATE: There was a problem in updating the list view of the workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_PENDING_WORKFLOW_ID Gets a localized string similar to "WORKFLOW_ERR_PENDING_WORKFLOW_ID: The pending workflow of this session isn't available. Please contact the system administrator."
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_SAVE_ACTIVE_WORKFLOW Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_ERR_SAVE_ACTIVE_WORKFLOW: The Save Workflow web method caused the problem.
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_SET_WORKFLOW_DATA_FROM_XML Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_ERR_SET_WORKFLOW_DATA_FROM_XML: There is a problem in the XML content of the available workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_TRANSFER_WORKFLOW_FAILED Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_ERR_TRANSFER_WORKFLOW_FAILED: There is a problem in transferring the workflow from Session ID {0} to Session ID {1}.
public property static WORKFLOW_ERR_UPDATING_COMBO Gets a localized string similar to WORKFLOW_ERR_UPDATING_COMBO: There is a problem updating the workflow combo box.
public property static WORKFLOW_GET_WORKFLOW_STEPS Looks up a localized string similar to There is a problem in the XML content of a workflow's steps or in setting the active workflow.
public property static WORKFLOW_LBL_HELP_CONTENT Gets a localized string similar to A workflow is a series of steps that helps an agent do a task associated with a customer.
public property static WORKFLOW_LOGGING_INFO_NO_ACCESS_TO_STEPS Gets a localized string similar to "The agent doesn't have access to the hosted applications corresponding to the following steps of the selected workflow. ".
public property static WORKFLOW_LOGGING_INFO_NO_ACCESS_TO_WORKFLOWS Gets a localized string similar to The agent doesn't have access to any workflows. Contact the system administrator..
public property static WORKFLOW_MSGBOX_NO_ACCESS_TO_STEPS_ASK_PART1 Gets a localized string similar to "You don't have access to the hosted applications corresponding to the following steps of the selected workflow. ".
public property static WORKFLOW_MSGBOX_NO_ACCESS_TO_STEPS_ASK_PART2 Gets a localized string similar to Do you wish to continue?.
public property static WORKFLOW_STATUS_nWorkflowStatus Gets a localized string similar to Workflow Status.
public property static WORKFLOW_STEP_COLLECTION_OUTOFINDEX Gets a localized string similar to Index Out of range.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods)

  Name Description
public method Equals  (inherited from Object)
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object)
public method GetType  (inherited from Object)
public method ToString  (inherited from Object)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object)
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object)


See Also


Messages Class
Microsoft.Uii.Desktop.Core.Properties Namespace

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