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VAT - Form Report

Creates monthly or quarterly VAT declarations to an XML file. You can choose to print your VAT declaration and send the printed document to your tax authorities or you can send an electronic VAT declaration via the Internet using Intervat.


The layout and the usage of this document have been officially approved by the Ministry of Finance.


Field Description

Declaration Type

Specify the type of declaration that you want to print. Options include Month and Quarter.

Month or Quarter

Enter the month or quarter of the VAT declaration. If you select Month in the Declaration Type field, you must enter a value between 1 and 12 (1 = January, 2 = February, 3 = March, and so on). If you select Quarter, you must enter a value between 1 and 4 (1 = first quarter, 2 = second quarter, 3= third quarter, 4 = fourth quarter).

Year (YYYY)

Enter the year of the VAT declaration. You should enter the year as a four digit code. For example, to print a declaration for 2013, you should enter "2013" (instead of "13").

Include VAT Entries

Specify the VAT entries to be included in the report. You can choose between Open, Closed and Open and Closed.


Specify how prepayments should be handled in the VAT declaration (case 91). Options include Print Prepmt. Amount, Print Zero (No Prepayment), and Leave Empty (User November Amount). Note that case 91 must not be filled for quarterly VAT declarations or for declarations in months other than December.

Claim for Reimbursement

Specify if you want to claim the reimbursement of the amount due by the tax authorities after you have submitted the declaration.

Order Payment Forms

Specify if you want to order new payment forms.

No Annual Listing

Specify if you do not want an annual listing for the declaration.

You can only select this option for the last declaration of the calendar year.

Add Representative

Specify if you want to add a VAT declaration representative. A representative is a person or an agency that has license to make a VAT declaration.


Enter the ID of the representative who is responsible for making the VAT declaration.

When you run the report, you must specify the path and file name to store your VAT declaration on disk. Later, you can send this file to the VAT administration via the Internet using Intervat. It is important that you create an XML file, because the VAT administration requires the XML file format for the data exchange.


For more information on how to work with reports, see Viewing Test Reports before Posting, How to: View and Print Reports and How to: Set Filters. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


VAT Annual Listing - Disk
VAT-VIES Declaration Disk