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Inward Registration Window

Specifies information about a purchase invoice that you want to register early as a preliminary posting until you overwrite it later when you make the final posting of the purchase invoice.

If you want to cancel the inward registration before it is overwritten by the final invoice posting, then you must reverse it. For more information, see How to: Reverse Preliminary Invoices by Using Inward Registration.

Preliminary posting can be useful in the following situations:

  • When you want to register VAT and determine preliminary liability and cost.

  • When you want to quickly register invoices with incomplete or invalid information. For example, if you do not know which general ledger account an invoice should be posted to, you can post a preliminary invoice until the correct general ledger account can be determined.

  • When you want to remove VAT from incoming invoices, if required, without waiting for final approval or the correct general ledger accounts.

  • When you want to submit a preliminary invoice for approval.

For purchase posting, an inward registration processes the VAT and expenses and stocks the purchase using the accounts that are required according to the posting setup.

The preliminary posting is reversed when the final purchase invoice is posted, which generates the final posting in the general ledger. The reversal is entered on the same posting date as the purchase invoice. When an entry is reversed manually, the posting date is retrieved from the inward registration header.


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See Also


How to: Post Preliminary Invoices by Using Inward Registration
How to: Reverse Preliminary Invoices by Using Inward Registration


Sweden Local Functionality

Other Resources

Record Purchase Invoices