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Global Dimension 2 Filter Field, Bill Group Table

This field shows the filter applied to the dimension values in a dimension.

If you enter a program code in this field, the program will only show those documents included in this bill group with this same program code.

To see a list of the dimension values, click the field.

The fields calculated and allocated for this filter are: Amount and Amount (LCY).

If this field contains a dimension filter 2 (i.e. it is not blank), the Amount/Amount (LCY), for example, will only show the amount corresponding to the documents included in the bill group with this dimension code.

You can use a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters; however you must follow certain rules to combine them correctly:

Width1 Width3Width1701 Width3Width1843 Width3Width4111 Equal to IntervalEither/orWidth1 Width3Width1701 Width3Width1843 Width3Width4111 Different from

Width1 Width3Width1701 Width3Width1843 Width3Width4111 Meaning



Width1 Width3Width1701 Width3Width1843 Width3Width4111


Entries from the administration program

Width1 Width3Width1701 Width3Width1843 Width3Width4111


Entries from programs 1 to 5

Width1 Width3Width1701 Width3Width1843 Width3Width4111


Entries from the administration or production programs

Width1 Width3Width1701 Width3Width1843 Width3Width4111


Entries from all programs except program 1

Width1 Width3Width1701 Width3Width1843 Width3Width4111


For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

Parent Tables

Table Location
Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality
Bill Group Table Spain Local Functionality