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How to: Assign Units of Measure to Resources

In order to accurately track the usage and sales of resources, you must assign a unit of measure for each resource.

In addition to a base unit of measure code, you can also set up alternative unit of measure codes that can be related to the base unit of measure. The default setting is related.

To assign units of measure to resources

  1. In the Search box, enter Resources, and then choose the related link.

  2. Open the relevant resource card.

  3. In the Base Unit of Measure field, select the relevant base unit of measure code.

    If the resource has units of measures in addition to the base unit of measure, in the Base Unit of Measure field, select New.


    If you choose OK and the resource has not yet been posted on any of the entries, you will select this code as your new base unit of measure code.


All additional codes are automatically related to the base unit of measure. If the code is not related, remember to clear the check box in the Related to Base Unit of Meas. field in the Resource Units of Measure window.

See Also

Other Resources

Related to Base Unit of Meas.