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How to: Set Up Certificates for use with Digipoort

The following procedure assumes that you have obtained the certificates from the government. If you have not, take the following steps to obtain the certificates.

After you register and log on to the official site, you can download the digiport server certificates from this site: <>.

Next, you have to install the certificates. The certificates have to be installed on the server. Later, you will use the common name (CN) of the certificates in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.


In the Digipoort implementation you install certificates on the server. Users who need to be able to communicate with tax authorities via Digipoort will need access to the private key of the personal certificate on the server.

To install the certificates

  1. Open the Windows Certificate Console in order to import the certificates that you have obtained from the government. For more information, see the procedure "To add a Certificates console to MMC," in the topic “How to Use the Certificates Console,” <>. 

  2. Import the two certificates. For more information, see the procedure "To import a certificate," <>.

    Personal Certificate

    1. Import under Personal. Make sure to set proper permissions to the private key.

    2. Complete the Certificate Import Wizard.

    Service Certificate

    1. Import under Trusted Publishers.

    2. Complete the Certificate Import Wizard.

  3. Grant read permissions to the certificate for the user who is doing the submission.

    Right click the certificate and point to All Tasks, and then choose Manage Private Keys. Select the user and in the Permissions box, select the Allow Read check box.

  4. Close the Console window.

See Also


Digipoort Overview