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How to: Approve or Reject Time Sheets

A time sheet must be submitted for it to be approved. You can approve and reject individual lines on a time sheet or send them back to the submitter for additional action. There are two ways in which a time sheet may be approved:

  • A time sheet administrator may approve any time sheet. For more information, see How to: Set Up Time Sheets.

  • The person who is specified in the Time Sheet Approver User ID field on a resource card may approve that resource's time sheets.

In addition, if you are the project manager on a job, you can approve lines in the Manager Time Sheet by Job window.

To approve or reject a time sheet

  1. In the Search box, enter Manager Time Sheets, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Manager Time Sheet List window, select a time sheet from the list. On the Action tab, choose Edit Time Sheet.


    You can review and update information about the work type code and whether the line is chargeable. To learn how to add these columns to your window, see How to: Add or Remove Columns in a List or on Document Lines.

  3. On the Home tab, choose Approve. Choose All to approve all lines. Choose Selected to approve only selected lines.


    On the Home tab, choose Reject.


    Use the Time Sheet Status and Actual/Scheduled Summary FactBoxes to get a quick overview of time sheet information.

  4. To provide additional information about the approval or rejection, select a time sheet line, and on the Home tab, in the Comments group, choose Comments. In the Date field, enter a date, and then enter a comment in the Comment field.

  5. Choose the OK button.

After you have approved or rejected a time sheet, it cannot be reopened or modified in the Manager Time Sheet window. However, use the following procedure to reopen an approved time sheet.

To reopen a time sheet

  1. In the Manager Time Sheet List window, select a time sheet, and on the Action tab, choose Edit Time Sheet.


    You cannot reopen a time sheet if it has been posted.

  2. Choose Reopen. Choose All to reopen all lines. Choose Selected to reopen only selected lines. The status of the line changes to Submitted.


    You can only reopen lines that have the status Approved. You cannot reopen lines that have the status Rejected.

  3. Choose the OK button.

After you reopen a time sheet, it can be modified and resubmitted in the Time Sheet window.

See Also


How to: Post Time Sheet Lines to a Job Journal
How to: Post Time Sheet Lines to a Resource Journal

Other Resources

Time Sheet