Sample: Execute multiple requests in transaction
Atualização do Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2016 e Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 (local) support batching of requests into a single web service method call. Each request in the batch is executed as part of a single database transaction. Failure of any request to complete successfully causes a rollback of any completed requests and no further processing is performed on requests not yet executed.
This code sample applies to Atualização do Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 2016 e Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 (local).
Para obter mais informações sobre os requisitos necessários à execução do código de exemplo fornecido neste SDK, consulte Usar o código de exemplo e auxiliar.
This sample shows how to execute multiple organization message requests in a single database transaction by using a single web service method call, passing ExecuteTransactionRequest as a parameter. A snippet showing just the key sections of the sample is shown first, followed by the complete sample code.
This sample uses a single web method call to execute all message requests in a collection as part of a single database transaction. Settings to alter the execution behavior are also shown.
// Create an ExecuteTransactionRequest object.
requestToCreateRecords = new ExecuteTransactionRequest()
// Create an empty organization request collection.
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection(),
ReturnResponses = true
// Create several (local, in memory) entities in a collection.
EntityCollection input = GetCollectionOfEntitiesToCreate();
// Add a CreateRequest for each entity to the request collection.
foreach (var entity in input.Entities)
CreateRequest createRequest = new CreateRequest { Target = entity };
// Execute all the requests in the request collection using a single web method call.
var responseForCreateRecords =
int i = 0;
// Display the results returned in the responses.
foreach (var responseItem in responseForCreateRecords.Responses)
if (responseItem != null)
DisplayResponse(requestToCreateRecords.Requests[i], responseItem);
catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
Console.WriteLine("Create request failed for the account{0} and the reason being: {1}",
((ExecuteTransactionFault)(ex.Detail)).FaultedRequestIndex + 1, ex.Detail.Message);
Complete sample code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ServiceModel;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Client;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Query;
namespace Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Samples
class ExecuteTransaction
#region Class Level Members
private OrganizationServiceProxy _serviceProxy;
private readonly List<Guid> _newAccountIds = new List<Guid>();
#region How To Sample Code
/// <summary>
/// This sample demonstrates how to execute a collection of message requests in a single database transaction,
/// by using a single web service call and optionally return the results.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref=""/>
/// <param name="serverConfig">Contains server connection information.</param>
/// <param name="promptforDelete">When True, the user will be prompted to delete all
/// created entities.</param>
public void Run(ServerConnection.Configuration serverConfig, bool promptforDelete)
ExecuteTransactionRequest requestToCreateRecords = null;
// Get a reference to the organization service.
using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri, serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
// Enable early-bound type support to add/update entity records required for this sample.
#region Execute Transaction to create records
// Create an ExecuteTransactionRequest object.
requestToCreateRecords = new ExecuteTransactionRequest()
// Create an empty organization request collection.
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection(),
ReturnResponses = true
// Create several (local, in memory) entities in a collection.
EntityCollection input = GetCollectionOfEntitiesToCreate();
// Add a CreateRequest for each entity to the request collection.
foreach (var entity in input.Entities)
CreateRequest createRequest = new CreateRequest { Target = entity };
// Execute all the requests in the request collection using a single web method call.
var responseForCreateRecords =
int i = 0;
// Display the results returned in the responses.
foreach (var responseItem in responseForCreateRecords.Responses)
if (responseItem != null)
DisplayResponse(requestToCreateRecords.Requests[i], responseItem);
catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
Console.WriteLine("Create request failed for the account{0} and the reason being: {1}",
((ExecuteTransactionFault)(ex.Detail)).FaultedRequestIndex + 1, ex.Detail.Message);
#endregion Execute Transaction to create records
#region Execute Transaction to update records
ExecuteTransactionRequest requestForUpdates = new ExecuteTransactionRequest()
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()
// Update the entities that were previously created.
EntityCollection update = GetCollectionOfEntitiesToUpdate();
foreach (var entity in update.Entities)
UpdateRequest updateRequest = new UpdateRequest { Target = entity };
ExecuteTransactionResponse responseForUpdates =
Console.WriteLine("Entity records are updated.");
catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
Console.WriteLine("Update request failed for the account{0} and the reason being: {1}",
((ExecuteTransactionFault)(ex.Detail)).FaultedRequestIndex + 1, ex.Detail.Message);
#endregion Execute Transaction for update records
catch (FaultException<OrganizationServiceFault> fault)
// Check if the maximum batch size has been exceeded. The maximum batch size is only included in the fault if it
// the input request collection count exceeds the maximum batch size.
if (fault.Detail.ErrorDetails.Contains("MaxBatchSize"))
int maxBatchSize = Convert.ToInt32(fault.Detail.ErrorDetails["MaxBatchSize"]);
if (maxBatchSize < requestToCreateRecords.Requests.Count)
// Here you could reduce the size of your request collection and re-submit the ExecuteTransaction request.
// For this sample, that only issues a few requests per batch, we will just print out some info. However,
// this code will never be executed because the default max batch size is 1000.
Console.WriteLine("The input request collection contains %0 requests, which exceeds the maximum allowed (%1)",
requestToCreateRecords.Requests.Count, maxBatchSize);
// Re-throw so Main() can process the fault.
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Deletes any entity records that were created for this sample.
/// <param name="prompt">Indicates whether to prompt the user
/// to delete the records created in this sample.</param>
/// </summary>
public void DeleteRequiredRecords(bool prompt)
bool deleteRecords = true;
if (prompt)
Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to delete the account record? (y/n) [y]: ");
String answer = Console.ReadLine();
deleteRecords = (answer.StartsWith("y") || answer.StartsWith("Y") || answer == String.Empty);
if (!deleteRecords)
ExecuteMultipleRequest requestWithNoResults = new ExecuteMultipleRequest()
// Set the execution behavior to continue and to not return responses.
Settings = new ExecuteMultipleSettings()
ContinueOnError = true,
ReturnResponses = false
Requests = new OrganizationRequestCollection()
// Get all the entities into a collection to delete
EntityCollection delete = GetCollectionOfEntitiesToDelete();
foreach (var entity in delete.Entities)
DeleteRequest deleteRequest = new DeleteRequest { Target = entity.ToEntityReference() };
ExecuteMultipleResponse responseWithNoResults =
// There should be no responses unless there was an error.
if (responseWithNoResults.Responses.Count > 0)
foreach (var responseItem in responseWithNoResults.Responses)
if (responseItem.Fault != null)
responseItem.RequestIndex, responseItem.Fault);
Console.WriteLine("All account records have been deleted successfully.");
#region Private Methods
/// <summary>
/// Create a collection of new entity objects.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A collection of entity objects.</returns>
private EntityCollection GetCollectionOfEntitiesToCreate()
return new EntityCollection()
EntityName = Account.EntityLogicalName,
Entities = {
new Account { Name = "ExecuteTransaction Example Account 1" },
new Account { Name = "ExecuteTransaction Example Account 2" },
new Account { Name = "ExecuteTransaction Example Account 3" },
new Account { Name = "ExecuteTransaction Example Account 4" },
new Account { Name = "ExecuteTransaction Example Account 5" }
/// <summary>
/// Display the response of an organization message request.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="organizationRequest">The organization message request.</param>
/// <param name="organizationResponse">The organization message response.</param>
private void DisplayResponse(OrganizationRequest organizationRequest, OrganizationResponse organizationResponse)
Console.WriteLine("Created " + ((Account)organizationRequest.Parameters["Target"]).Name
+ " with account id as " + organizationResponse.Results["id"].ToString());
_newAccountIds.Add(new Guid(organizationResponse.Results["id"].ToString()));
/// <summary>
/// Create a collection of entity objects for updating. Give these entities a new
/// name for the update.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>An entity collection.</returns>
private EntityCollection GetCollectionOfEntitiesToUpdate()
EntityCollection collection = new EntityCollection()
EntityName = Account.EntityLogicalName
for (int i = 1; i <= _newAccountIds.Count; i++)
new Account
Name = "Updated Account Name " + i.ToString(),
Id = _newAccountIds[i - 1]
return collection;
/// <summary>
/// Delete a collection of entity objects.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>A collection of entity objects</returns>
private EntityCollection GetCollectionOfEntitiesToDelete()
EntityCollection collection = new EntityCollection()
EntityName = Account.EntityLogicalName
for (int i = 1; i <= _newAccountIds.Count; i++)
new Account
Id = _newAccountIds[i - 1]
return collection;
/// <summary>
/// Display the fault that resulted from processing an organization message request.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="organizationRequest">The organization message request.</param>
/// <param name="count">nth request number from ExecuteMultiple request</param>
/// <param name="organizationServiceFault">A WCF fault.</param>
private void DisplayFault(OrganizationRequest organizationRequest, int count,
OrganizationServiceFault organizationServiceFault)
Console.WriteLine("A fault occurred when processing {1} request, at index {0} in the request collection with a fault message: {2}", count + 1,
#endregion How To Sample Code
#region Main method
/// <summary>
/// Standard Main() method used by most SDK samples.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
static void Main(string[] args)
// Obtain the target organization's Web address and client logon
// credentials from the user.
ServerConnection serverConnect = new ServerConnection();
ServerConnection.Configuration config = serverConnect.GetServerConfiguration();
var app = new ExecuteTransaction();
app.Run(config, true);
catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> ex)
Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error.");
Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", ex.Detail.Timestamp);
Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", ex.Detail.ErrorCode);
Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Detail.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Trace: {0}", ex.Detail.TraceText);
Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}",
null == ex.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault");
catch (System.TimeoutException ex)
Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error.");
Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Stack Trace: {0}", ex.StackTrace);
Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}",
null == ex.InnerException.Message ? "No Inner Fault" : ex.InnerException.Message);
catch (System.Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("The application terminated with an error.");
// Display the details of the inner exception.
if (ex.InnerException != null)
FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> fe = ex.InnerException
as FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>;
if (fe != null)
Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", fe.Detail.Timestamp);
Console.WriteLine("Code: {0}", fe.Detail.ErrorCode);
Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", fe.Detail.Message);
Console.WriteLine("Trace: {0}", fe.Detail.TraceText);
Console.WriteLine("Inner Fault: {0}",
null == fe.Detail.InnerFault ? "No Inner Fault" : "Has Inner Fault");
Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to exit.");
#endregion Main method
Consulte também
Execute messages in a single database transaction
Outros recursos
Use o Serviço da organização para ler e gravar dados ou metadados
Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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